4 Junho 2021Espanha
  • The digital transformation plan designed and planned by Minsait in partnership with the OIV (International Organisation of Vine and Wine) involves identifying the best practices within the sector, digitalizing its processes to increase efficiency, data exploitation and innovation
  • A new Digital Trends Observatory in the wine sector has been included to serve as a platform to promote and publicize technological breakthroughs and meet new consumer demands
  • Its implementation will position the OIV as a driving force for the digitalization of the wine sector


Minsait drives the digital transformation of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine

Minsait, an Indra company, has been chosen by the OIV (International Organisation of Vine and Wine) to design, plan and implement a digital transformation plan that will contribute to establishing a solid foundation for its future and help it position itself as a leader in its sector. The OIV is an intergovernmental organisation of a scientific and technical nature made up of 48 member states. It develops accredited competencies in the field of vineyards, wine and other derivative products from wine. 

After conducting a preliminary analysis of the organisation’s digital maturity level, Minsait, as the project’s technological partner, has drawn up a three-year digital transformation plan with the OIV, which is divided into four core areas. 

Firstly, the promotion of the digitalization of the sector by identifying the best digital practices to be adopted in the vines and wines sector. Secondly, improving the efficiency and digitalization of the organisation’s operations, connecting all the agents in the sector to achieve a greater impact, facilitating collaboration and the exchange of information and ideas. Thirdly, exploiting its data, one of the OIV’s main assets, given that this will develop its analytical capabilities, enabling it to obtain reliable statistics on the sector based on quality data. And finally, the promotion of innovation, devising new services and highly disruptive projects that add value to countries, companies and other actors in the sector.

The implementation of the highest priority initiatives that are part of the first year of the plan’s development is already underway. In addition, the development of new initiatives in the field of Data Analytics and the promotion of digitalization practices in the sector is expected. The Director General of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine, Pau Roca, commented on the project, stating that “we have a strategy for the next 5 years in which we identify digitalization as the key accelerator to drive the transformation of the sector. Minsait’s experience and proven capabilities led us to select it as our partner on this path and, together with them, we have designed a Digital Transformation Plan which we are currently in the process of implementing.”

The Benefits of Digital Transformation 

Digitalizing companies has become a must rather than a mere choice in recent times. Companies must optimize their business if they want to continue making progress in an increasingly competitive and digital marketplace. The implementation of digital technologies throughout the OIV’s value chain will help accelerate the process of going digital for the sector as a whole. In this way, the organisation will position itself as a leader in promoting digital transformation in the wine sector.

The Plan has involved the creation of a Digital Trends Observatory in the wine sector within the OIV to serve as a platform to promote and publicize technological breakthroughs and meet new consumer demands by means of the annual publication of reports and the holding of events focused on the subject. Among other topics, this year’s report will address the impact of technology on precision agriculture, which is building a more sustainable and environment-friendly sector, and how blockchain and digital certificates can increase the transparency and traceability of wine from the field to the end consumer’s table.

In addition, internal productivity is increased through the development of systems that “do more with less” and reduce manual tasks. The positioning of Data Analytics as a key asset, increases and improves the data collection, analysis, exploitation and visualization processes, thus obtaining a broad and detailed sectoral knowledge. 

To sum up, the aim is to offer the best service to the OIV’s member states and the wine sector in general, which, through this Transformation Plan, will enable the optimization of the organisation’s internal processes, promoting agility and the implementation of a collaborative work model for its extensive network of more than 1,200 experts throughout the 48 member states. 

About Minsait 

Minsait, an Indra company (https://www.minsait.com/en), is a leading firm in Digital Transformation Consultancy and Information Technologies in Spain and Latin America. Minsait possesses a high degree of specialization and knowledge of the sector, which it backs up with its high capability to integrate the core world with the digital world, its leadership in innovation and digital transformation, and its flexibility. Thus, it focuses its offer on high-impact value propositions, based on end-to-end solutions, with a remarkable degree of segmentation, which enables it to achieve tangible impacts for its customers in each industry with a transformational focus. Its capabilities and leadership are demonstrated in its product range, under the brand Onesait, and its across-the-board range of services. 

About Indra 

Indra (www.indracompany.com) is one of the leading global technology and consulting companies and the technological partner for core business operations of its customers worldwide. It is a world-leader in providing proprietary solutions in specific segments in Transport and Defense markets, and a leading firm in Digital Transformation Consultancy and Information Technologies in Spain and Latin America through its affiliate Minsait. Its business model is based on a comprehensive range of proprietary products, with a high-value focus and with a high innovation component. In the 2020 financial year, Indra achieved revenue of €3.043 billion, near 48,000 employees, a local presence in 46 countries and business operations in over 140 countries.

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