8 Junho 2021Espanha
  • As the winner of the Spanish National Innovation Award 2020, the company wishes to continue promoting the creativity and talent of its employees around the world with the fifth Innovators call for ideas to encourage them to design the future through technology
  • The challenges include designing businesses based on satellite constellations and interaction between the physical and digital worlds, exploiting data to transform air traffic, building customer loyalty through personalization and furthering the inclusion of people with disabilities
  • It also organizes the “hack-challenge” to develop code prototypes which address the same goals, using Onesait Platform, Minsait’s open source platform that can incorporate rapid prototyping IoT devices to exploit the phygital environment
  • In addition to stimulating the talent of its professionals, Indra’s open innovation model, through Indraventures, seeks to reinforce its technological leadership, enhance its relationships with startups and entrepreneurs, generate value for its customers and have a positive impact on society

Indra, one of the leading global technology and consulting companies, has launched its fifth Innovators intrapreneurship and innovation initiative, with which it will seek to continue mobilizing and stimulating the talent of its 48,000 professionals around the world so as to enable them to enjoy the experience of innovation.

As the winner of the 2020 National Innovation Award presented by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation in the Large Corporation category, Indra maintains its firm commitment to ongoing innovation, while its professionals, a multidisciplinary network of experts throughout the world, constitute a valuable source of ideas. 

This is demonstrated by Innovators, which, with a total of nearly 2,000 ideas submitted by professionals from 40 different countries in the last four years, has established itself as a key factor in driving the company’s innovative culture and generating disruptive ideas with the potential to shape Indra’s future offer and reinforce its technological leadership.

With this goal in mind, the fifth call, launched through Indraventures, Indra’s corporate vehicle for promoting its open innovation model, has proposed specific challenges that will shape the future of different sectors.

The challenges include designing services offered by satellite constellations, exploiting data to transform air traffic, proposing business cases for phygital environments while combining the physical and digital worlds, building customer loyalty through personalized digital offers and promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace. 

They are accompanied by the sixth “hack-challenge” to develop code prototypes that address the same goals using Onesait Platform, the open source platform of Minsait, an Indra company. Moreover, in order to exploit the phygital component and acquire information on the physical environment, the participants will have up to 30 rapid prototyping IoT device kits from the M5Stack ecosystem at their disposal.

Indra’s professionals will be able to submit their ideas individually or in teams, in Spanish, English or Portuguese, until July 29 via iParticipa, another technological platform developed by Minsait, which will also allow them to evaluate the proposals and comment and vote on them.

Acceleration process for the best ideas

Indraventures and Indra’s Innovation Committee, made up of representatives of corporate units, directors from all the business units and technological experts, will choose the ideas for the final, which will be joined by the one that receives the most votes from the professionals. Their authors will have to present their proposals by means of a one-minute elevator pitch, in the style of startup investment rounds, at the closing event scheduled for the end of the year, at which the jury will announce the three winning ideas. In addition, the physical and online attendees at the event will vote live for a fourth winning idea to reward the best pitch.

The best ideas will enter an acceleration process for their materialization by means of a customized business plan developed by their authors, who will be able to devote 10% of their working time to this goal for three months. They will also receive the support of the Indra business area related to their proposal, in order to ensure that the ideas respond to the innovation priorities of the different markets and become real Indra products.

Moreover, the winning professionals will receive a cash prize of €5,000 for each initiative and positive recognition in their annual performance evaluation.

Center of the innovative ecosystem

Innovators forms part of Indra’s innovation model, which aims to expand and strengthen its global connection with the technological innovation ecosystems, comprising startups, entrepreneurs, university research groups that are experimenting with emerging technologies and the company’s own professionals.

Each year, also through Indraventures, Indra analyzes more than a thousand startups and has signed several agreements. In addition, Indra is a member of the Executive Committee of BFAero, an accelerator in the aeronautical and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) sector. 

In addition to stimulating the talent of its professionals, Indra’s open innovation model seeks, through Indraventures, to reinforce its technological leadership, enhance its relationships with startups, entrepreneurs and the entire innovative ecosystem, be a driving force of RDI, generate value for its customers and have a positive impact on society.

This was acknowledged by the jury of the National Innovation Award in its reasons for awarding it the prize: “For genuinely representing the best values and principles of innovation in Spain, for its importance in different sectors from the permanent standpoint of digitalization, for constantly being at the forefront of international RDI and for playing an essential role as a driving force in promoting innovation within other companies, placing particular emphasis on SMEs in the sectors that it leads”.

About Indra

Indra (www.indracompany.com) is one of the leading global technology and consulting companies and the technological partner for core business operations of its customers world-wide. It is a world-leader in providing proprietary solutions in specific segments in Transport and Defense markets, and a leading firm in Digital Transformation Consultancy and Information Technologies in Spain and Latin America through its affiliate Minsait. Its business model is based on a comprehensive range of proprietary products, with a high-value focus and with a high innovation component. In the 2020 financial year, Indra achieved revenue of €3.043 billion, near 48,000 employees, a local presence in 46 countries and business operations in over 140 countries.

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