23 Fevereiro 2022Espanha
  • Revenues in 2021 achieved record highs, both in Transport & Defence as well as in Minsait, both delivering double-digit growth vs 2020, and comfortably exceeding 2019 levels
  • EBIT reached €256m, implying +16% increase compared to 2019
  • EBIT margin stood at 7.5% in 2021, improving versus 2019 levels (6.9%), before Covid impact
  • Net Profit reached €143m in 2021 vs €121m in 2019 (+18%), before the health crisis
  • Free Cash Flow (FCF) in 2021 was €289m, a new record level, substantially above the previous one at €186m in 2017, and well above 2021 guidance of more than €140m
  • Net debt was reduced to €240m, a ten-year low, from €481m in December 2020, bringing Net Debt/EBITDA ratio down to 0.8x vs 2.5x in December 2020
  • The company announced in 2021 the payment of a dividend of €0.15 per share in July 2022, after seven years without any shareholder remuneration
  • Last evening the Spanish Cabinet issued a statement authorizing SEPI to increase its stake in Indra by 10%, up to a total of 28%. According to the statement filed with the Stock Exchange Commission, SEPI said that this step confirms the Government’s support to all of Indra’s businesses, as well as to its corporate governance.
2021 results