- The company obtained ISO 37001 certification for its subsidiary and its two branches in the country, thus consolidating the firm’s commitment to a culture of compliance and bolstering existing mechanisms for detecting and combating any type of illicit conduct related to bribery and corruption.
- Indra received this same certification in Peru in 2019 and in Brazil in 2020, which have been renewed annually.
- The company also recently renewed its global quality certificate with AENOR and extended this coverage to 50 companies in 16 countries, including Colombia, in accordance with the ISO 9001 international standard.

Indra, a leading global technology and consulting company, obtained in September the ISO 37001 certification, known as the “Anti-Bribery Management System”, for its subsidiary and its two branches in Colombia, Indra Sistemas S.A. and Indra Soluciones Tecnologías de la Información Sucursal Colombia, the group’s leader in digital transformation and information technology, commercially known in the country as Minsait. The certification acknowledges the quality and transparency of the system implemented by the company and its efforts to prevent and eradicate any type of illegal conduct related to bribery and corruption.
Indra’s Anti-Bribery Management System (“SGAS” in its Spanish initials) in Colombia is part of the Criminal Risk Prevention Model, which in turn is integrated into Indra’s globally implemented Compliance Model. Its aims include the promotion of a culture of compliance and good governance to prevent any activity that violates the law in its business areas. Indra’s Compliance Unit is responsible for its implementation and execution globally.
The audit report was carried out by AENOR, a leading certification entity with operations in different countries. AENOR certified that Senior Management is involved in the support and operation of the SGAS, with due support from the Compliance Unit, a state of affairs that meets the standards required by ISO 37001.
AENOR highlights Indra’s strengths in the structure and operation of local committees in dealing with different issues, the competencies and means of supervision of the Management Control unit, and the organizational culture regarding the understanding of the SGAS and the compliance function.
ISO 37001 certification in Colombia forms part of the plan to align the company’s quality and transparency aims with its strategic business goals, since, by having its management system assessed by a certification agency, it reinforces the trust it maintains with all its relevant stakeholders.
Commitment to Corporate Governance, Ethics and Transparency Policies
The ISO 37001 certification adds to the numerous recognitions already obtained by Indra in the fields of compliance and good governance.
Indra in Spain (controlling company of the Colombian subsidiaries) is also certified by AENOR to the UNE 19601 standard (“Crime Compliance Management System”). Obtained for the first time in 2018, the standard certifies that Indra complies with best practices in management systems to prevent criminal risks, reducing risks and promoting an ethical business culture in accordance with the law, helping to build trust.
Indra constantly updates and reinforces its risk management system through its Global Compliance Model. In November 2021, the company updated its Risk Prevention Manual on Competition Law applicable to international subsidiaries (except those based in Spain, the rest of the EU and Norway), which constitutes the model for the organization, prevention, management and control of risks related to anti-competitive conduct.
Indra also encourages compliance with the law and internal regulations among its professionals and collaborators in order to stamp out any type of unethical or irregular conduct, through annual training sessions that are given or coordinated by the Compliance Unit. It also promotes the use of Canal Directo (a whistleblower channel), which is a confidential communication channel available to the company’s personnel and partners (including third parties with a legitimate interest) to report any potential irregularity or infringement in compliance matters. In addition, this communication channel allows Indra professionals to make inquiries regarding the interpretation and/or application of the Code of Ethics and Legal Compliance.
Indra also obtained in its Peruvian and Brazilian subsidiaries the aforementioned ISO 37001 certification (“Anti-Bribery Management System”) in 2019 and 2020, respectively. These have been renewed annually since then.
In addition, in July 2022, Indra renewed its global quality certificate with AENOR and extended its coverage to 50 group companies in 16 countries, including Colombia.
About Indra in Colombia
Indra has been operating in Colombia for over 25 years and is one of the top three technology companies in the country. It has over 4,500 staff and offices in the cities of Bogotá, Barranquilla and Medellín, as well as a Delivery Center (Software Production Center) in Pereira and a Cybersecurity Center in Bogotá. The company is part of some of the key innovation projects for Colombia’s technological development in the Transportation & Defence and Information Technology (IT) sectors through its subsidiary Minsait.
About Indra
Indra (www.indracompany.com) is one of the leading global technology and consulting companies and the technological partner for core business operations of its customers worldwide. It is a world-leader in providing proprietary solutions in specific segments in Transport and Defence markets and a leading firm in Digital Transformation and Information Technologies in Spain and Latin America through its affiliate Minsait. Its business model is based on a comprehensive range of proprietary products, with a high-value, end-to-end focus and with a high innovation component. In the 2021 financial year, Indra achieved revenue of €3.390 billion, with over 52,000 employees, a local presence in 46 countries and business operations in over 140 countries.
AENOR is the leading certification body in Spain, which identifies and helps correct competitiveness gaps in companies, sectors and the economic fabric, thus contributing to the transformation of society by creating confidence in organizations and people.
As a global entity, it conducts operations in 87 countries in certification, verification, validation, inspection, analysis, training and information service activities. More than 87,000 work centers currently hold one of AENOR’s certifications in fields such as Quality Management, Sustainability, Occupational Health and Safety, Digitalization, Animal Welfare, Non-Financial Information Verification and Compliance.