2 Novembro 2023Espanha
  • It will technologically revamp and add new features to the DUEPORT system, the platform developed and implemented by Indra with which the port community electronically interacts and declares the information required for the call of a ship in a Spanish port
  • In addition to improving its efficiency and the service provided by the system, Indra will harmonize it with the European Maritime Single Window environment and the EU Customs Code
  • The DUEPORT system is connected to the Spanish digital platform for supply chain data exchange (SIMPLE), to which it will provide real-time information on vessel calls, cargo manifests and temporary storage summary declarations

After designing and implementing the Spanish Port Maritime Single Window, Indra has been awarded a new contract with Puertos del Estado to revamp it technologically, provide it with new features and adapt it to the European environment, thus contributing to the improved competitiveness of the ports and foreign trade of our country.

Specifically, Indra will adapt the DUEPORT national single window system to European single window regulation 2019/1239/EU and the EU customs code and it will be tasked with its maintenance and the user support.

The Single Window allows the port community to fill out all the data on the ships reaching a Spanish port, the documents and the formalities required on calls, moorings and operations once only and submit them electronically to the relevant authorities. The solution serves an average of 400 calls per day and provides a service to the 46 Spanish ports of general interest and the ports of regional ownership, as well as more than a thousand agents involved in the operations.

Puertos del Estado also makes the information they need available to the competent Spanish authorities, other member States and European authorities such as the EMSA (European Maritime Safety Agency).

The adaptation of the existing single window solution to Regulation 2019/1239/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Maritime Single Window Environment (the EMSWe regulation) meets its objectives of extending the existing harmonization between European ports, simplifying the declaration processes relating to the entries, stays and departures of ships from ports, and reducing the administrative burden on shipowners and their agents, and operators in general, as much as possible.

“In addition to these benefits, the DUEPORT system will incorporate new features to improve the service provided to the different stakeholders, the efficiency and the performance. For this purpose, Indra will also offer a comprehensive and advanced maintenance service set to include the evolutionary maintenance of the system,” explained Lidia Muñoz, Indra’s Global Sales Director for Mobility.

The DUEPORT system is connected to the Spanish digital platform for supply chain data exchange (SIMPLE), which is also being developed and implemented by Indra. This provides structured data and real-time information on vessel calls, cargo manifests and temporary storage summary declarations.

Thanks to this technology, Indra’s technology will optimize, automate and speed up the port procedures, reduce costs and increase capacity at the ports, and facilitate greater control and monitoring of the transactions and goods. It will also ensure a 100% paperless port, making it more sustainable and environmentally friendly. In short, a more efficient, safe and sustainable port operation.

A benchmark all over the world

Indra’s solution for Puertos del Estado is based on the Maritime Single Window from its Mova Traffic solutions line, which facilitates the comprehensive and optimal management of the ports.

More than 70 ports around the world are managed with Indra’s technology, which has already implemented the Single Window for logistics of Portugal (JUL) and those in countries such as Cyprus, Morocco, Angola, Cape Verde and Chile. 

About Indra

Indra (www.indracompany.com) is one of the leading global technology and consulting companies, and a world leader in technological engineering for the aerospace, defence and mobility markets and digital transformation and information technologies in Spain and Latin America through its subsidiary, Minsait. Its business model is based on a comprehensive range of proprietary products, with an end-to-end, high-value approach and a significant innovative component, making it the technological partner for the digitalization and key operations of its clients around the world. Sustainability forms part of its strategy and culture in order to overcome current-day and future social and environmental challenges. In the 2022 fiscal year, Indra achieved revenue totaling €3.851 billion, with almost 57,000 employees, a local presence in 46 countries and business operations in over 140 countries.

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