Description of the project
IRINA is a project that spans over three years and builds upon research projects conducted on RPAS insertion - the most recent being SESAR 2020 PJ13 ERICA. The project aims to finalise the ATM infrastructure and services as well as the Detect and Avoid capability required on RPAS. The scope covers the integration of military and civil IFR RPAS operations in Airspace Class A to C. Additionally, it seeks to address a fast-track early flight accommodation of civil and military RPAS in Airspace Class D to G which have a different traffic mix and separation responsibility. The project comprises three WP packages, with WP 2 (scoped for airspace classes A-C) and WP 3 (scoped for airspace classes D-G) being the primary ones. These packages not only focus on the full integration of RPAS into European airspace, but also on the transition between ATM and UTM (U-space in Europe) airspaces.
Industrial partners
Industrial partner subcontracted
Indra's rol
Solution leader (WP02 leader)
Leader of different activities, OSED, TS/IRS, VALP, VALR, Validations.
Universities and technology centers subcontracted
Technologies employed
ATM system (iTEC) focused on the improvement of the ground based safety nets.
More information
This project has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101114735.
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