Sound, complete and consistent information, on panels and public address systems, with details of arrival times, network data, incidents and scheduled warnings. Attractive, intuitive and highly flexible proprietary designs that also enable the management of advertising and multimedia entertainment (films, music, e-books and radio). The ensemble is then complemented by mechanisms for on-demand transport management and security features, assuring the best user experience.
As an added value, all our information systems have multilanguage options and acoustic alerts for visually impaired people (CIBERPASS approved by ONCE).
Our onboard solutions are integrated into the all-in-one onboard platform (Nauta), which also manages the presentation of information through the different channels:
- Next stop and arrival time
- Next stops and connections / correspondence
- Schematic diagrams and real-time location maps
- Auxiliary information: weather, service incidents and alerts
- Management of the presentation of scheduled content (advertising, entertainment, tourist content, informative, etc.)
- Entertainment system for distribution to mobile devices.
At-stop devices range from multi-content information displays, with proprietary interface designs, and LED tele-indicators, to large formats for stations and hubs. This enables presentation of information concerning:
- Lines and arrival time
- Next stops and connections / correspondence
- Schematic diagrams and real-time location maps
- Auxiliary information: weather, service incidents and alerts
- Management of the presentation of scheduled content (advertising, entertainment, tourist content, informative, etc.)