Our main responsibility and one of the pillars of our sustainability is to offer our clients innovative solutions and services with high quality standards. As proof of this guarantee and trustworthiness for our clients, Indra periodically undergoes audits by independent bodies for the certification of its management and production systems in accordance with leading international standards, amongst these:
- UNE 166002: Innovation management system
- UNE 16555-1: Innovation management. Part 1: Innovation Management System.
- UNE-EN-ISO 9001: Quality management system. This is the common quality management framework for the company
- Pecal 2110: NATO quality assurance requirements for design, development and production
- Pecal 2210: NATO Software Quality Assurance Requirements, supplementary to PECAL 2110
- Pecal 2310: NATO requirements for quality management systems for aviation, space and defense suppliers
- UNE-EN 9100 Aerospace Series: Quality Management Systems. Represents the common quality management framework for aerospace activities
- UNE-EN 9110: Aerospace material. Quality management systems. Requirements for maintenance organizations in the aeronautical industry
- UNE-EN 9120: Aerospace material. Quality management systems. Requirements for aviation, space and defense distributors.
- CMMi (Capabitity Maturity Model Integration): Model for improving and evaluating the development and maintenance processes of systems and software products
- TMMi (Test Maturity Model Integrated): Model for improving testing processes, complementary to the CMMi DEV Model
- UNE-ISO/IEC 27001: Information Security in Information Technologies
- UNE-ISO/IEC 20000-1: Excellence in Service Management in Information Technologies
- UNE-ISO/IEC 27018: Safety techniques. Code of Practice for PersonalLy Identifiable Protection (PII) in Public Clouds Acting as PII Processors
ENS-2019/0057: Esquema Nacional de Seguridad
ENS-2021/0046: Esquema Nacional de Seguridad
CERT-ENS-25373. Esquema Nacional de Seguridad
- ISO 14001: Sistema de Gestión Ambiental Global
- ISO 14001: Global Environmental Management System
- EMAS Certificate of Registrations: In accordance with Regulation (EC) No1221/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009
- UNE EN ISO 50001: Energy Management System
- UNE 19601: Criminal Compliance Management System • ISO 31000: Risk management. Guidelines.
- ISO 22163: Railway applications. Quality management system. Quality management system requirements for railway organizations
- ISO 44001: Collaborative working relationship management systems. Requirements and frame of reference.
- ISO22301: Business Continuity Certification
- ISO 45001:Occupational health and safety management system
- ISO 14064: Carbon Footprint
- ISO 37001: Anti-bribery Management Systems
- Certificación Nadcap AC7120: Electronics - Printed Board Assemblies
These standards are adapted and implemented using systems and methodologies developed in accordance with the company's particularities to provide solutions for the specific needs of our clients. We can highlight:
- Indra Methodology for Project Management: proprietary methodology for project management to ensure quality and efficiency, based on the PMbok project management Standard of the Project Management Institute
- Indra MIDAS methodology: proprietary methodology for project execution and production used together with and as a complement of the Indra Method for Project Management (MIGP). It includes the requirements of standards and methodologies applicable in each type of project or service (ISO 9001, PECAL 2110, PECAL 2210, PECAL 2310, UNE-EN 9100, UNE EN 9100, CMMi, TMMi, ITIL).
- Operational risks system: Corporate system for monitoring the risks of its operations
- Information Systems Management: model to manage IT services based on the ITIL methodology, the ISO/IEC 20000-1, UNE-ISO/IEC 27001 and UNE-ISO/IEC 22301 standards and the recommended good practices
The comprehensive application of these systems and methodologies allows for ensuring the company's capacity to supply products that satisfy client requirements, comply with applicable legislation and regulations as well as continuously improve our work processes.