Maximum reliability, accuracy and safety of equipment
Approved systems for the automatic detection of average or instant speeding, photographic record of infractions, automatic licence plate recognition and collection of traffic parameters based on Radar or Artificial Vision Technology
All of the designs have been made under the premises of maximum reliability, accuracy and safety, in accordance with the international standards of the OIML, and under the local certifications of the metrological control bodies of each country in which they have been approved
Maximum flexibility in the processing and management of infractions
Management system for traffic infractions generated by enforcement teams, designed to facilitate the operation of the information gathered: alarms, processing of infractions, reports and statistics, etc., capable of implementing access control policies in specific areas of cities
This system facilitates the operation of standardised speed detectors and the fines generated by these. In addition to the speed detectors, the system incorporates the management of fines generated by average speed detectors, allowing for the configuration and reception of alarms, processing of infractions and generation of reports and traffic statistics based on speed detector data
It is based on online technology, thus allowing data access from different locations, accelerating the processing and issuance of fines, as well for managing speed detector configuration