Project Description
The project is part of SHIFT²RAIL Innovation Programme IP4 -“IT for an Attractive Railway”, and contributes to its objectives together with IT2RAIL, the lighthouse project started in May 2015, and CO-ACTIVE, launched in parallel with ATTRACkTIVE.
The overall objective of IP4, to which ATTRACkTIVE will contribute, is to provide new concepts, tools, and systems to improve the attractiveness of rail transport by offering more intuitive and engaging travel experiences to customers while shielding them from the complexity and heterogeneity of services for door-to-door intermodal journeys.
More specifically, ATTRACkTIVE aims to:
- Collect planned and real time data for all modes including personal transport which is essential for all following up calculations and assistance
- Prognosticate and predict travel situations to find solutions for possible interruptions in advance
- Generate events that can a) be displayed on smart devices and will b) the base for subsequent processing, as well as analyse personal transport events and events with impact for the itinerary of the traveller
- Orchestrate and distribute tracking services
- Generalise the architecture of travel applications. Design and prototype novel forms of travel experiences and develop the required tools, such as a location-based experience editor, to simplify their prototyping and evaluation
- Position a traveller in its geospatial environment, including indoor areas, and provide him with guidance information calculated by travel experts and to analyse the deviation from his foreseen route
- Handle the behaviour of the traveller and update his preferences accordingly, thus providing him with transport services adapted to his latest preferences and current needs.
Collaborating Companies or Organisations
Indra's Role
Indra is one of the main partners participating in the project. Indra has a wide experience in offering technological solutions in transportation networks and infrastructure, for both infrastructure managers and transportation operators, which will bring to the project in order to contribute to the deployment of personalized services that improve traveler experience and ticketing services, as well as multimodal management of events that affect transport operation.
Technologies used
- Information services
- Incidences and events manager
- Traveller data manager
More Information
This project, under reference nº H2020-730822, has been funded through the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission within the Shift2Rail initiative, of which Indra is an associate member.