Project Description
This project will identify current and future issues in the fight against Cyber crime and cyber terrorism in order to draw a roadmap for cyber security research. A detailed snapshot of the technological, social, economic, political, and legal scenario on which cyber crime and cyber terrorism do develop will be first provided. Then, cyber crime and cyber terrorism will be studied, in order to indentify priorities and research bottlenecks
Collaborating Companies or Organisations
Indra's Role
Indra will leader the Technological Scenarios (Working Package 4) and will participate in the definition of Scientific Coordination(Working Package 2)
Universities and Technological Centres
Technologies used
The aim of the project is to research about cyber-crime and cyber-terrorism, thus the applied technologies are mainly web management tools and Office Suite.
More information
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement nº FP7-607642
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