Project Description
The objective of DECUMANUS is the development and consolidation of a set of services to support sustainable decision-making to enable city managers the deployment and use of geospatial information products in the development and implementation of climate change strategies while addressing the various challenges of sustainable urban development.
Experiences of previous projects have shown that there are technological and methodological gaps between user requirements and the current state of the art for which urgent solutions are needed. In particular, there is a need to assimilate data from Earth observation in models of climate and urban air quality, and adapt and develop scientific models such as operational products and services, as well as to improve the accessibility and use of geospatial products by non-expert users.
DECUMANUS application areas are based on Earth observation techniques, methodologies and the latest technology products (developed by the project partners in a series of projects funded by the EU and the European Space Agency in the last decade), specified according user requirements in relation to urban climate change and adaptation. The four categories of DECUMANUS services include evaluating the impacts of urban climate change, based on the development of an Urban Climate Atlas using tested Copernicus products; Environmental monitoring services and tools that provide information on land consumption; Energy Efficiency for evaluating energy consumption and improve energy efficiency in cities and, finally, Citizen Health to inform the public about the health risks associated with poor air quality and high temperatures in urban areas under the IPCC scenarios used in the project.
Collaborating Companies or Organisations
Indra's Role
- Project Coordinator
- Information Services Proposal
- Earth Observation based Information Services Provider
- Proof of concept for a self-sustainable business model depending on the service level
- Validation of the Business Model
- Co-developer of health impact modelling services.
Universities and Technological Centres
Technologies used
- Earth Observation
- Climate and Air Pollution Modelling
- Health Impact Modelling
- Satellite and airborne Thermography
- Land Use Monitoring
- Population Impact Assessment
- Webmapping Services
More information
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement nº FP7-607183.