Description of the Project
The project aims to demonstrate the feasibility for developing and integrating the U-Space services, not only the basic and initial ones (U1, U2) but the advanced ones (experimental services defined in U3) for the next years as well).
One of the main outputs is to define a set of processes, standards, regulations and best practices that should be implemented for a secure interoperability of the Different platforms (U-Space Services Providers).
To carry out in Spain the most advanced demonstration of U-space operation. The drone traffic management system, which also will be in charge of integrating drone flight with the operations of manned aircraft.
The challenge: safe, secure, smooth and efficient integration of air traffic.
Industrial Partner
Indra´s Rol
Indra role in DOMUS Project is spread in the different Work Packages of the project.
To develop the following U-Space services, that apply not only to the ones corresponding to basic and initial U-Space roadmap (U1 and U2) but integrating in U-Space advanced services that will apply in the future (U3).
The U-Space services developed by Indra interact with all the necessary U-Space services developed in DOMUS (Ecosystem Manager services developed by other consortium partners and other U-Space Services Providers), easing the feasibility of the integration and the success of the project.
Below the U-Space services developed by Indra in DOMUS:
- E-Registration
- Strategic Deconfliction
- Traffic Information & Monitoring
- Procedural ATC Interface
- Collaborative ATC Interface
- UTM Connect (Indra USP Flight App / GCS)
- UTM Connect (Indra USP Flight Planning)
- UTM Connect (Indra USP Flight Management)
- UTM Connect (Indra USP Local Strategic Deconfliction)
To participate in all meetings (both follow-up and plenary) held throughout the entire project.
To generate all the corresponding project documentation in all project phases. This documentation has been requested for the different WP leaders along the project and delivered on time by Indra.
To participate in all flight demonstrations and general essays as one of the main roles, generating test scenarios and scripts, providing our expertise and showing the main HMI screens like Flight Planning, Strategic Deconfliction o Traffic Information & Monitoring among others.
To be part in one of the main outputs of the project, by collaborating defining a set of processes, standards, regulations and best practices that should be implemented for a secure interoperability of the Different platforms (U-Space Services Providers).
Universities and Technology Centers
Technologies Employed
Hosting, network and communications: Microsoft Azure technology.
Operating System utilized: Ubuntu Linux.
Database: Mongo DB.
Code languages and technologies: C++, NodeJS (Javascript) with Express framework to expose the API endpoints.
MongoDB as a database to store objects.
Mongoose is used as a model-oriented tool to interact with MongoDB from Node.js.
Turf.js as a tool to manage geographical/geometrical computations.
For web development, HTML to define the structure of the pages, CSS to apply styles for the different and JS to implement the functionality (Bootstrap, Jquery, Maps Javascript API, Turf.js, Moment.js and Charts.js).
NGINX web server
The GCS (flight app) has been developed for the android platform in Java using the Android SDK and Android Studio IDE. Then, two DJI SDKs are used (Mobile SDK DJI and UX SDK DJI) and Paho MQTT client for MQTT communications.
Additional Information
This Project, with file number CEF-SESAR-2018-1 (Ref. SJU/LC/0341-CTR), has been co-financed by the European Union, represented by Single European Sky ATM (Air Traffic Management) Research Joint Undertaking SESAR JU.
ONU Sustainable Development Goals: