Description of the Project
EDINAF proposes to launch the digital revolution for Naval Industry by developing fundamentals enabling this transformation through:
- The development of a reference ship digital architecture offering a coherent set of resources, services and data solutions supporting the warship’s core operations.
- A digital platform specification as the standardized IT infrastructure derived from the reference architecture considering common base services to be offered to user applications on new generation warship´s development.
- A new digital engineering adapting processes, methodologies and tools requested by an ever evolving and highly complex interdependent System of Systems.
Industrial Partner
Indra´s Rol
Indra´s participates in the Project in the following Work Packages:
- Digital Platform
- Connectivity
- Systems Integration
- Digital Twin
- Use cases: Crew training and advanced HMI with Agents/Assistants
Universities and Technology Centers
Tecnologies Employed
There is a need to use and adapt the current best practice in terms of cloud architecture to support a centralized database or data organization solutions and digital engineering models to accomplish complex IT architecture efficiently on-board ships.
Thanks to this modular and constantly up-to-date IT cloud, digital ship architecture will help streamline the way the navies and industrial design warfighting systems, conduct design trade-off analyses, and collect, retain, and share data via models (which take the form of data, process, and/or algorithm model), with increased use of interoperable engineering tools and virtual environments in the design process. In addition, a full spectrum of MBSE should involve (from enterprise architecture, SoS development, and manufacturing) the exchange and sharing of digital engineering information and artefacts between the various stakeholders throughout the systems development life cycle.
At last digital ships will enable twin ship capability as a key tool for systems conception, predictive maintenance, and efficient training capability. But EDINAF will, furthermore, put the foundations to allow the twinning of equipment, systems and ship itself for getting advantages along mission operations.
Additional Information
This Project, with file number 101103273 — EDINAF — EDF-2021-NAVAL-R-2, has been financed by the European Commission within the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 European Defence Fund.
ONU Sustainable Development Goals: