Description of the Project
A PESCO Project was launched and approved by the EU Council supported by six countries (Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Portugal and Luxembourg) led by Spain. It is within such framework that the ESC2 Projects intends to provide a ground-breaking solution that will enable the EU and its Member States to employ the most advanced Command and Control system worldwide available.
The European Strategic Command and Control System (ESC2S) will deliver a beyond state-of-the-art European Strategic and Operational Command and Control design, fully interoperable with the C2 structures / systems from EU, Member States, NATO, and civilian agencies.
ESC2 will be the pillar of the future EU wide Situational Awareness Capability, allowing the joint planning and conduct of EU missions.
It will develop a strategic C2 capability according to the needs of a future fully operational EU headquarter. It intends to complement existing European External Action Service (EEAS) C2 and Communication and Information Systems (CIS), to enhance and further develop the Military Planning and Conduct Capability (MPCC) of the EEAS towards a true strategic EU headquarter, covering all kinds of military operations, both executive and non-executive.
ESC2 will support three information security levels: UNCLASSIFIED, EU RESTRICTED and EU SECRET.
The main EDIDP-ESC2 Deliverables are: CONOPS, System Specification, System Architecture, Software and Hardware Specifications and Software and Hardware Design.
Industrial Partner
Indra´s Rol
Indra Sistemas S.A. is the coordinator of the EDIDP-ESC2 Industrial Consortium, being in charge of the project management activities including but not limited to schedule and actions follow up, Risk & Opportunities management, Configuration management, Export Control management, Quality Assurance, system engineering management.
Indra is also the leader of WP1, Project Management, and WP2, CONOPS development.
Technologies Employed
ESC2 is a project integrating a large number of different technologies and capabilities:
- Multi-domain System
- Multi-level SecurityAdvanced Analytics
- Big Data
- Cloud
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Blockchain
- 5G
- Quantum Computing and Virtual / Augmented Reality
Additional Information
This project has received funding from the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP)/Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR)/European Defence Fund (EDF) under grant agreement No [SI2.834465]”.
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