Description of the Project
The EU-GUARDIAN (European frameworks and proofs-of-concept for the intelliGent aUtomAtion of cybeR Defence Incident mAnagemeNt) project aims to create an AI-based solution that will operate and automate much of the incident management and cyber defense processes. EU-GUARDIAN will focus primarily on the ability to detect, mitigate and respond to security challenges semi-automatically or automatically; support human operators, analysts and decision-makers at all levels; and contribute to improving cyber situational awareness, military infrastructure resilience and protection against advanced cyber threats.
Industrial Partner
Indra´s Rol
Coordinator, scientific director, responsible for communication/dissemination/standardization, responsible for project quality assurance.
Leader of:
WP01: General management and coordination of the project.
WP07: EU-GUARDIAN joint feasibility analysis.
Universities and Technology Centers
Technologies Employed
- Big Data & Analytics is the technology behind the project allowing to start from a Data Lake of heterogeneous information, the identification of high-value information aimed at the awareness of ICT and mission security.
- Artificial Intelligence: is the technology that allows the modelling and reproduction of complex processes and phenomena of IT networks and missions, to predict potential attacks and anticipate protection actions. Its ML Capabilities will be particularly relevant for recognize, classify, and predict observations, as well as for assisting decision support.
- Operational Research outcomes will improve decision-making by assessing response trade-offs involving conventional and non-conventional (compliance with RoEs, ethics, social perception, side hybrid effects, etc.).
- Self-Organizing systems will allow automatically calibrating each Automation Layer on an EU-GUARDIAN solution operating as a whole or separately according to the KPIs and performance criteria.
- System of Systems allow to keep modularity between Automation Layers and Artefacts, while pooling resources and capabilities together to create new, more complex system which more functionality than each separately.
Additional Information
This project, with reference nº 101103044, has been financed by the European Commission under the European Defence Fund (EDF –2021-CYBER-R-CDAI-EU-GUARDIAN).
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