Project Description
Operamar is a study within the 7th European Framework with the objective of providing a knowledge base about the status of Pan-European maritime security, prescribed by the European Commission´s Maritime Policy.
Operamar is a joint action with the objective of providing a basis for the future joint management of Maritime Security.
In order to efficiently manage European Maritime Security activities, it´s necessary to have the capacity to collect and combine all the information available, creating a single and relevant image of the maritime setting so it may be shared between all the organisations included in the European Member States.
The inter-operational issues of Europe and the national resources for each nation have been studied, taking into consideration the problems generated due to differences in conduct, operations, organisations and cultures.
The following was researched and analysed:
- Maritime information used.
- Information formats.
- How to access the information.
- The information used must be filtered, processed, or it can be used as it´s received.
- What processes must be applied to the information, what new information is obtained from this process, how long it takes, whether it´s confidential, it must be stored and for how long.
- Who is responsible for the information obtained.
- Whether this information processing can be simplified or it can be used with a more convenient format.
- What additional information would contribute towards being more efficient, having a better reaction capacity, etc.
- What information is shared, how frequently, in what format, through which mediums.
- What are the lines of collaboration between the agencies and/or forces acting in the same or adjacent maritime area, with what resources, who is responsible for the coordination.
Collaborating Companies or Organisations
Indra's Role
The project was distributed in such a way that each of the partners was responsible for meeting the project objectives in each of the countries. As a result, Indra was responsible for obtaining the information regarding Spain.
The objectives include:
- To gather the vision of current users, including feedback from joint operations centres.
- To analyse coordination problems on a multinational level and a Ministry department level.
- To analyse the unified data models in order to promote their fluid exchange. In terms of presenting maritime security information, decision making process, cooperation needs, etc.
- Analysis of unified maritime security information models and system user requirements to ensure the correct leverage of the entire European Union and the investment in the national security maritime system (research, growth, systems used).
- Interconnection between the current perspective and new programmes, and influence in prioritising future research.
Universities and Technological Centres
More information
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no FP7-218045