R&D&i projects result of a clear vision, ongoing effort and global combination of talent. Our "innodiversity": ability to respond to clients' diversity, existing technologies and geographical markets entails dominating a great amount of technologies that evolve at great speed and that are applied across many sectors.

This search tool offers a broad sample of our results.

(*) Select this filter to retrieve projects that are aligned with one of the ONU Sustainable Development Goals.

Project Financed by Section
NL4XAI: Interactive Natural Language Technology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence European Commission Minsait Public Administration
INTERACT: INTERoperability Standards for Unmanned Armed ForCes SysTems European Defence Agency - EDA Defensa y Seguridad Platforms
EDINAF: European Digital Naval Foundation European Commission Transportes Transporte Ferroviario Mobility
ESC2: EUROPEAN STRATEGIC COMMAND AND CONTROL (ESC2) SYSTEM European Commission Defensa y Seguridad Platforms
MOTIONAL: MObility managemenT multimodal envirOnment aNd digitAl enabLers European Commission Transportes Transporte Ferroviario Mobility
EuroQCI-SPAIN: EuroQCI deployment in Spain European Commission Defensa y Seguridad Cyberdefence
FAMOUS 2: European Future Highly Mobile Augmented Armoured Systems 2 European Commission Defensa y Seguridad Land Platforms
DOMUS: Demonstration Of Multiple U-space Suppliers. European Commission Indra Air Drones Air traffic
AGAMI EURIGAMI: European Innovative GaN Advanced Microwave Integration European Commission Defensa y Seguridad Defence Systems
EU-GUARDIAN: European framework and proofs-of-concept for the intelliGent aUtomAtion of cybeR Defence IncidentmAnagemeNt European Commission Defensa y Seguridad Cyberdefence