Project Description
C-Roads is a platform of Member States working on the deployment of harmonised and interoperable C-ITS (Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems) services in Europe. These services encompass a group of technologies and applications that allow effective data exchange through wireless communication technologies between components and actors of the transport system.
The C-Roads approach will purse cooperation on a holistic level in order to cover all dimensions linked with the deployment of C-ITS, such as sharing experiences and knowledge regarding deployment and implementation issues, as well as user acceptance.
It will follow a bottom-up approach that will include national pilots that will move on to cross-site testing which will allow them to grow together and achieve transnational interoperability. In this way, C-Roads will ensure European cohesion of C-ITS deployment in the European Union with regards to a long-term roll-out. The Spanish pilot is made out of five different pilots, each of them with their unique set of technologies and C-ITS services, and with the involvement of different partners.
C-Roads Spain’s main objective is to pave the way for the future roll-out and large scale deployment of C-ITS services in Spain, in cooperation with other Member States within C-Roads Platform so as to ensure seamless and harmonised services throughout Europe. To this goal, C-Roads Spain will be implemented by a public –private partnership comprising national, regional and local authorities as well as private stakeholders.
Collaborating Companies or Organisations
Indra's Role
Indra is a technology provider that participates in the development and deployment of services in the Madrid and Cantabric Spanish pilots.
Indra has an essential role in the development and implementation of several cooperative services, as well as provider of control centre and on site equipment and software, that allows sending information to the vehicles. Indra participates in the development of weather conditions, traffic jam ahead warning and emergency vehicle approaching services with the aim to improve their driving experience and safety.
Universities and Technological Centres
Technologies used
- Cooperative systems (C-ITS) using hybrid technologies
- 3G, 4G and LTE mobile communication technologies
- ITS-G5 communication technology with 5.9 GHz band frequency
- Communication protocols based on IEEE 802.11p, DATEX II, etc…
More information
This project, under reference nº INEA/CEF/TRAN/M2016/1362448, has been cofinanced by the INNOVATION AND NETWORKS EXECUTIVE AGENCY (INEA), under the CEF- TRANSPORT SECTOR programme, through the 2016 Call.