Project Objectives
The SafeTRIP project includes several applications related to road safety (e.g. emergency calls in case of accident) and vehicle communications (mainly via satellite, in S-band, but also using UMTS and directly between vehicles). The developed applications are:
- Patrol with Eyes: communications (satellite and UMTS) between road maintenance vehicles and the control centre: voice calls (VoIP and PSTN), video transmission, sensor data transmission (temperature and humidity), messaging.
- eCall: automatic emergency calls (with video) in case of accident.
- Stolen Vehicle Tracking: stolen vehicle detection and alert.
- Road Safety Alerts: warnings to the driver regarding road incidents.
- Collaborative Road Alerts: information provided by other drivers regarding road incidents.
- Real-time Tracking of Vehicles: vehicle tracking, fleet management.
- Live TV/Audio: TV/audio streaming.
- Multimedia Datacast: multimedia downloads (e.g. audio, video, maps) to the vehicle.
- Driver Alertness Service: detection of driver low alertness situations (e.g. sleepiness).
- SafeTRIP Info Explorer: information about nearby Points of Interest.
Collaborating Companies or Organisations
Indra's Role
Indra participates providing the satellite S-band modem that includes several new features: new channel codings, call establishment mechanisms, etc. Indra has also developed the Patrol with Eyes application and has participated in the eCall implementation.
Universities and Technological Centres
Fraunhofer-Institut, DLR, PIAP, UCL, Budapest University, Fondazione Ugo Bordoni
Technologies used
Satellite communications (QS-CDMA, turbocodes), web application development(PHP, Java, Zk, JMS, JDO), VoIP (Asterisk platform)
More information
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no FP-233976