GEOMIF Functions
- Management of the company's assets. Central repository of information on infrastructure assets and their breakdown. Generation of specific reports. Integration with financial systems.
- Knowledge of the infrastructure. Numerous methods for consulting information, as detailed as required, and powerful analysis tools. Access to all element-related information, including properties and related documents.
- Status analysis of infrastructures. Tool for centralizing both the stock and its current status, integrated with production processes to permit automatic updates and future analyses of element performance and reliability.
- Maintenance of infrastructures. Operations planning and analysis for both corrective and preventive maintenance, integrated directly to both processes.
- Investment planning. Analysis of status and interventions on infrastructures to evaluate results and prioritize actions.
- Project execution. Project monitoring, planning of new projects, and inclusion of relevant new inventories in the system for management purposes.
- "Socialization of information". Access to both detailed and high level information. Thanks to its web-based technology, the inventory information is available across all organizational levels.
Main features
- Epicenter for all infrastructure information
- Comprehensive integration with business processes affecting the inventory
- Tool for analyzing and updating inventory data and status
- Fast, intuitive display of key aspects for managing, maintaining and improving the infrastructure