10 May 2010Spain
  • The company will implement a data exchange management system to optimise UME’s communications network
  • The improvements will facilitate information exchange and coordination of the corps in the events of emergencies such as fires
  •  The development of this innovative technology is one of the first achievements born of the agreement between Indra and Cisco

Indra will modernise and extent (UME) Military Emergency Unit’s communications management and integration system. The solution will allow management of data exchange and to determine the optimal transmission way specific to every situation: satellite communications, GSM/UMTS, military network, etc. The project commissioned by Telefónica exceeds € 1.5 M and the execution period is 20 months.

The project is within UME’s CIS Nodes multi-annual programme led by Telefónica. It seeks to improve information and communications features for the corps on a mission.

Indra’s solution will contribute with intelligence to all permanent communication nodes installed in the different bases across the country as well as to the deployable nodes-located on advanced-communications vehicles. All this will facilitate reconfiguration of the network either automatically or manually.

This way, optimal transmission capacity is achieved during each deployment, avoiding network congestion. Besides this, in the event the preferred communication device failed (mobile telephony, radio, etc.) the system will offer other options to re-establish communications dynamically.

This is a critical feature for the corps’ security during a mission as it guarantees reception of the orders and information related to the situation. It also contributes to improving the coordination with the rest of the corps and authorities engaged in the mission.

The SERVCOM system to be modernised with Indra’s solution will be able to manage satellite communications (Spainsat and Inmarsat), cell communications (GPRS/UMTS), Tetrapol and specific military frequencies (HF, VHF) onboard UME vehicles and which act as deployable nodes.
