18 May 2010Cameroon
  • The company will implement its utilities management technology for € 3.2 M in AES SONEL, subsidiary of the global power North American AES Corporation
  • The IT company has participated in modernisation processes for the most important companies of the sector in Africa with references in the electricity companies of Kenya, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ethiopia, Uganda or Libya
  •  Indra and AES are currently working on the identification of countries and areas for potential cooperation

 Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe, was commissioned by AES SONEL, Cameroon’s electricity company, the modernisation of its management system. The project amounts to € 3.2 million Euros and has an execution period of one year. It includes the supply and implementation of the IT company’s commercial management systems (SGCV6) and Energy Balance Model (EBBM).

AES SONEL is integrated in Cameroon as a national electricity company. It manages from power generation to commercialisation, including transmission and distribution. The company, with 750,000 clients, is a subsidiary of AES, one of the largest energy groups worldwide with presence in 29 countries and an annual turnover of 16.000 million USD.

The commercial Management system (SGCV6) to be implemented by Indra is designed to thoroughly support business processes of customer care and covers the whole commercial cycle (commercial contract management, customer care, measurement management, billing and orders). The energy balance model (EBM) allows to asses the balance of energy at different levels of the network in order to identify losses.

The project also includes the reengineering of commercial processes and review of the organisation model of AES SONEL as well as the development of a new campaign of data capture in order to update the information of the holder of the agreements, supply points and measurement equipment. Finally, the IT company will implement applications for the billing and reading management of the counters in isolated offices without online communications.


Consolidation in Africa and other opportunities

This contract consolidates Indra’s presence in the African energy market with contracts for the most important modernisation processes of the continent. The Spanish company’s utilities systems contribute to the management of electricity companies of countries such as Kenya (KPLC and KENGEN), Zimbabwe (ZESA), Zambia (ZESCO), Ethiopia (EEPCO), Uganda (UMEME) and Libya (GECOL). Besides this, the IT company is also engaged in the restoration, modernisation and automation of most hydroelectric companies in Morocco.

The project also strengthens the commercial relationship Indra and AES have had for a decade. The contract is the result of a close cooperation between both companies for the identification of areas and countries with potential. The solution to be implemented in Cameroon is already providing support to AES’s subsidiaries in Argentina, Brazil and El Salvador.

Over 100 million clients

Indra’s utilities Management Systems thoroughly support the management systems of companies that supply electricity, gas, water and sewerage services and have been implemented in more than 130 companies in over 30 countries across the world. Indra’s commercial systems manage more than 100 million clients

Among the company’s clients we can mention: Union Fenosa (Spain), EDP (Portugal), Meralco (Philippines), UTE (Uruguay), KPLC (Kenya), ZSE (Slovakia), SME (Czech Republic), Zesco (Zambia), Enel (Italy) or Bahrain’s Ministry of water and sewerage.

Indra is currently working on the development of new technologies and solutions in the sustainability and energy efficiency areas, not only in the generation sector but also in transmission and distribution, industrial and household consumption and transport. The company is engaged in several projects related to new smart infrastructures (SMARTGRID) that guarantee a sustainable, safe and economic development.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to stock market capitalisation, and also the second Spanish company with the most investment in R&D. In 2009, revenues reached € 2,513 M, of which a third came from the international market. The company employs more than 29,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.

