5 July 2010Spain
  • Citizens will be able to pay for DGT procedures via internet, with debit card or bank transfer
  • The project is part of the Directorate General of Transport’s initiative to get closer to citizens and to facilitate procedures through modernisation


Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe is implementing the system for telematic payment of DGT procedures such as issuing of the driving license, registration, changes of ownership, duplicates, extension of permits, etc.

This project is part of the Directorate General of Transport's initiative to get closer to citizens in the renewal of permissions. The initiative is in line with the objectives of law 11/2007 of the electronic administration within the Public Administrations sector.

The new solution will allow payment of the fees either with debit card or by bank transfer and will be connected with the Treasury Department’s payment gateway. At the same time, the system will enable access to the Association of Administrative Agents for the acquisition of forms in batches for further procedures.

The project, currently in its development stage, will spare users journeys and the time these procedures usually require. This way, the DGT will achieve its major goal of improving the direct relationship with citizens.

Within the framework of the modernisation and integration of the DGT procedures, Indra has also implemented a solution for the payment of form 791 at the regional traffic's headquarters with credit card. It seeks to achieve first-rate personalised citizen services and expedite procedures by providing several payment methods besides cash.

A pilot project started in April this year at Barcelona's headquarters to carry out the whole process in one single window with only one queue. This system is expected to be extended to all regional headquarters between 2010 and 2011.

Commitment to electronic payment

These projects confirm DGT's trust in Indra regarding electronic payment and its intention to extent the use of this technology. In 2009, the company already implemented payment of sanctions via internet which in just a year of service has spared 380,000 citizens the journeys and indirect expenses associated to this procedure. The current project is also expected to improve DGT’s relationship with citizens significantly.

Progress has been possible thanks to the continuous evolution of DGT’s payment gateway. It was promoted by the common information systems area and supported by Indra’s experience in payment methods and their integration with bank systems.

By 2013 all DGT procedures, associated to 13 million Euros a year, are expected to be available for electronic payment.
Indra’s prestige in the sector of electronic payment is widely recognised. The company’s proprietary solution, Pasarela de Pagos NetPLus, is the core of its electronic payment system and covers million transactions all over a year for the most important clients, for instance, large department stores or DGT, among others.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the first European company in its sector according to investment in R&D and is the second Spanish company in absolute value investments in R&D. In 2009 revenues reached € 2,513 M of which a 40% came from the international market. The company employs more than 29,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.

