9 August 2010Spain
  • The solution will improve decision making, coordination and efficiency of the 190 fire stations across Catalonia
  • The technology infrastructure supplied by Indra will be shared with the future security system of Catalonia's Rural Agents Corps
  • This contract reinforces Indra's position as a leading company in the implementation of security and emergencies centres, with systems which already protect over 40 million citizens


The Ministry of Home Affairs, Institutional Relations and Participation of Catalonia's regional government awarded Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe, a contract for the development and implementation of a new integrated system of security and emergencies for the fire brigade which amounts to € 8 M. It will support the reception of alarms and the coordinated management of actions all over the region.

With an integrated system, the information can be shared among all the units involved in the service under the General Direction of Fire Prevention, Fire Fighting and Rescue Services of Catalonia (DGPEIS) such as the Catalan Emergency centre (CECAT), Emergency's control rooms, coordination centres, 190 fire stations of the region, the advanced command centres (CCA) and the transit points and vehicles. This way, the solution will improve decision making, coordination and efficiency of the actions.

In addition to the incident management system, Indra's solution will integrate the corporate Geographic Information System (GIS) and a system of administrative management in a second stage. GIS will facilitate the coordination and followup of resources with a cartography viewer and the management system will allow the organisation and optimisation of the human resources, transport and materials. This system will also facilitate information transfer to other corporate and economy management systems within DGPEIS.

The new platform will also integrate telephony and radio communications through the RESCAT network as well as information exchange with the 112 emergency call number. With all this information the system will facilitate cooperation with other security services.

Rural Agents Corps

Indra's technology infrastructure will be prepared to be shared with the future security system of Catalonia's Rural Agents Corps. The system will be implemented on the same server platform and its initial configuration will be similar although it will allow each Corps' independent performance.

With this feature, Catalonia's regional government will optimise investments, benefit from synergies and improve coordination especially regarding forest fires.

The Rural Agents Corps are responsible for the good use of forests and of the region's environment. With more than 400 agents, the Corps has played an outstanding role in the control of forest fires.

Leading technology for security and emergency centres

This contract reinforces Indra's leadership in the implementation of security and emergency centres for security corps. The company has broad experience in this area with references such as SIMGE, of The Military Emergency Unit; CISEM of Madrid's City Council and SIGE of Civil Protection, among others. Thanks to this and to other projects, more than 40 million citizens are protected with Indra's emergency management systems.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the first European company in its sector according to investment in R&D and is the second Spanish company in absolute value investments in R&D. In 2009 revenues reached € 2,513 M of which a 40% came from the international market. The company employs more than 29,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.
