28 July 2010Uruguay
  • The ceremony was attended by the President of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, the Minister of National Defence and the Commander in Chief of the Air Force.

Indra supplied Uruguay’s Air Force the new air surveillance radar systems. The ceremony was held at the Air Force Headquarters in Montevideo and was attended by the President of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, José Mújica, The Minister of National Defence, Luis Rosadilla and the Commander in Chief of the Air Force, José Bonilla. The company was represented by Rafael Gallego, General Director of Indra. 

Uruguay’s Air Force (FAU) awarded Indra the supply and start up of two radar systems and associated equipment to complement the integrated control and surveillance systems of the country. The supply included two three-dimensional primary radars, one fixed and the other mobile and configured for civil use; their secondary radar systems and the ground/air communication systems for aircrafts and ground/ground for information exchange between radars and the air space control centre.
The systems watch and control the country’s air space including that of the border, thus supporting air police missions. They also complement air transit control systems based on secondary and primary 2D radars previously supplied by Indra.

The three-dimensional radars are based on proprietary solid technology which offer reliable performance and belong to the latest 3D LANZA radars. These radar systems give service to the early warning and surveillance system of Spain’s Air Force and to other countries.

They are regarded as one of the best state-of-the-art radar systems in the world. The development represents one of Indra’s most complex and significant projects since it required 8 years of work and 7 years of research. Under Indra’s guidance almost a hundred organisations, including the technical universities of Madrid and Barcelona, were involved in the project.


