23 September 2010Spain

• It aims to develop a solution which integrates cutting edge technology in detection of traces and large quantities of explosives

• The consortium presented the latest advances of the project to an audience of over 50 experts at Inteco's headquarters today

• The team is engaged in the validation of several prototypes in different facilities


Indra’s Centre of Excellence for Security Systems (CES) in Leon is leading the SEDUCE project, which is promoted by the R&D CENIT programme. It seeks to develop the knowledge and the necessary technology in order to guarantee detection of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) in centres and public infrastructures such as ports, airports, train and metro stations.

The initiative, with a budget of 20 million Euros, has been presented by Indra’s Director of Innovation José Luis Angoso to over 50 experts from different parts of the country. The event took place today at the National Communications Technology Institute (Inteco). The Director of the CES in Leon, Antonio González Gorostiza; the Vice-chancellor for Research at The University of León, Alberto José Villena Cortés; the Head of the Project Control Division of the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), Jose Rivillas; and Inteco's Secretary General, Fernando Gutiérrez also attended the event.

SEDUCE (Detection systems of Explosives in Centres and Public Infrastructures) includes the study of potential locations and risks as well as the validation and integration of the necessary detection technologies so that the Security Corps receive all the information they might need to operate. The project started in 2008 and will conclude by the end of 2011.

The consortium led by CES consists of a variety of industrial partners and co-operative entities besides Indra, for instance: Arquimea, Alfa Imaging, Gate, Autoridad Portuaria de Valencia, Das Photonics, ISDEFE, Metro de Madrid, Multiscan Technologies and Ramen. The project will also receive the support of several technology centres and universities such as the Polytechnic University of Valencia, the Technical University of Madrid, the University of Valladolid, Carlos III University and the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Puertos Del Estado, ADIF, AENA and others will participate as outside observers and potential users.

The project addresses detection of a variety of materials and activation mechanisms of IEDs. Industrial material (for instance: dynamite used in public works and mines) and military or homemade explosives which hide behind common objects to escape detection, are employed in their fabrication. Other elements like shrapnel are added to make the device lethal once it explodes.

This way, the work is oriented to the design of a set of technologies whose combination allows a specialised detection capacity according to the environment or type of infrastructure. Different techniques and approaches allow detection of traces (microscopic wastes) or large quantities of explosive material. The study of environments along with technologies, allows customisation and combination according to the characteristics and nature of the threat in each type of environment: ports, airports, metro or train stations.

SEDUCE integrates several technologies such as DMA (Differential Mobility Analyzer), capable of detecting explosive particles in the air by analysing the mobility of ions; and the LIBS spectroscopy, which captures the signal of the breakdown (atoms) after high-power laser excitation (spark). It also includes technologies based on chemiluminescent markers (particles which emit light when in contact with explosives); millimetric waves (to detect explosives hidden in clothes from over 25-30 metres) or advanced x rays platforms and detection of radioactivity.

Validation of prototypes

Experts have already concluded the first phase of the project which included the analysis of the different scenarios, that is, infrastructures and public transport.  The second phase has started and it covers the study, validation and integration of different technologies related to explosive detection.

This phase has already produced the first results. Various prototypes for the different technologies have been created and are being tested for further customisation according to the peculiarities of each type of infrastructure. The purpose of this study is to determine the best combination of technologies for each case in order to guarantee security.

The energy levels have been dropped without detriment to the detection capacity of the x rays. The laboratory of nuclear engineering of the Technical University of Madrid also achieved significant advances regarding the capacity of detection and in the reduction of false alarms generated by dirty bomb (radioactive) detection systems.
SEDUCE seeks to provide Spain with proprietary and essential technology to improve autonomy in the sector and interaction with other security systems either international or multilateral. In addition, it also aims to make of our country a benchmark in the field of technologies applied to security in explosive detection.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the first European company in its sector according to investment in R&D and is the second Spanish company in absolute value investments in R&D. In 2009 revenues reached € 2,513 M of which a 40% came from the international market. The company employs more than 30,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.

