2 July 2010Spain
  • The company will provide a team of over 300 professionals as well as the most advanced resources and technologies of the sector

The Generalitat de Catalunya awarded Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe, the scrutiny of the 201 elections to the Catalonian Parliament. A team of over 300 professionals and cutting edge technologies developed for this sector by Indra will be at the regional government´s disposal. The project amounts to over two million Euros.

The technology multinational will use PDAs for data transmission from the polling places to the reception centre. This system has been successfully employed in the 2006 elections to the Catalonian Parliament, the Referendum Statute, the 2007 Regional Elections, the Legislative Elections in 20008 and in the European Parliament elections. These devices help expedite the process and reduce human error since they incorporate additional control features, eliminate repetitive tasks and automate data transmission.

Besides this, Indra will implement its proprietary solution: CAE (electronically managed college). This application computerises the tasks to be performed by polling station officers on polling day and was successfully employed in more than 400 polling stations in Lleida, Pontevedra and Salamanca for the last elections to the European Parliament.

With this system, the process is eco-friendlier as ballot boxes are printed when needed which implies reduction in paper consumption. In addition, it facilitates voters’ identification, generation of documents and data transmission of the polling station set up, progress of participation and results.
Citizens and mass media will be provided with several communication means to followup the scrutiny in real time via SMS or a website with access via mobile phones. Finally, the project includes e-learning training for the staff in charge of the data transmission via PDA, for CAE users and other government officials.

Over five million electors are expected to cast their votes at over 8,000 polling stations equipped for such purpose.

Leadership in electoral processes

Indra's experience includes 300 successful electoral processes worldwide with more than 2 billion electors and is a leading company in the use of new technologies, for instance, the Electronic Vote, e-Counting, Internet Vote, CAE (Electronically Managed College), PDAs, etc. as well as solutions and services for citizen participation such the iPARTICIPA platform.

The Generalitat de Catalunya commissioned Indra the scrutiny of the parliament elections in 1988, 1999, 2003, 2006 and for the Statute Referendum. The company has successfully employed some of its most advanced technologies of the sector such as PDAs for the 2006 Catalonian Parliament elections in 2006, the Statute Referendum or CAE in Lleida's polling stations during the European Parliament elections.

During the last years, Indra has participated in the delivery of electoral processes for countries such as: UK, Norway, France, Slovenia, Portugal, Italy, USA, Argentina, Angola or Colombia, among others offering all sorts of services and electoral solutions and implementing innovative electronic vote systems. The company has also provided thorough support to the last legislative elections in Argentina, elections to the European Parliament or to the Autonomous Government of Galicia. The IT company has also participated since 1978 in Spain's legislative elections.
On the other hand, Indra was also involved in the scrutiny of both rounds of the recent presidential elections in Colombia. The counting achieved

ne of the best times in the history of the country’s electoral processes, as stated by the Colombian authorities. Indra was the only foreign company involved in the process and covered a third part of the national territory.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the first European company in its sector according to investment in R&D and is the second Spanish company in absolute value investments in R&D. In 2009 revenues reached € 2,513 M of which a 40% came from the international market. The company employs more than 29,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.

