27 October 2010Mexico
  • Free-flow tolling allows management of over 1,400 vehicles per hour per lane in this new Motorway of Mexico State.
  • This technology, which few countries own, facilitates exit of vehicles at up to 180 km/h.
  • This project reinforces the solid presence of both companies in Mexico’s transport and traffic sector.

Indra and OHL started up Latin America’s most advanced free-flow toll system on the Bicentennial Elevated Viaduct in Mexico. The project, for €20 M, was awarded to Indra by OHL, concessionaire of the motorway. It includes intelligent traffic control systems and (Free- Flow) automated electronic payment systems for this elevated 22 km motorway in order to enhance traffic in Mexico State and from which 9 million people will benefit.

Last September 3, the second stretch was inaugurated. It covers 12 km in addition to the 4.6 km of the first stretch which opened in September, 2009. The third and last stretch is expected to be inaugurated in December.

The Free-Flow systems allow automatic and smart control of the access to the motorway and the application of fares. Entrance speed, over 60 km/h, as well as exit speed, over 90 km/h and up to 180 km/h allows management of more than 1,400 vehicles per hour per lane. This traffic flow is quite above the one allowed by traditional systems. Few countries are equipped with this technology, among them: USA, Canada, Israel, Australia; and partially, Chile where Indra implemented it.

At the gantries of the entrance to a motorway the vehicle and the driver will be identified by reading an electronic device (TAG) which will be placed on the windshield. In the case of active clients with payment guarantees, validation will take seconds. Otherwise, the user will be redirected to a lateral road to avoid obstruction of the traffic flow. To increase control and security in the event of frauds, the solution also includes an optical character recognition system (OCR).

The exit ways will be managed by free-flow gantries which allow reading the TAG and the number plate of a car. The system will apply the appropriate fare taking into account distance and the category of the vehicle (light/heavy duty).

Prepayment teletoll solution

With the system, the payment methods include credit cards and/or prepaid cards. The prepayment teletoll solution is a proprietary development of Indra and it consists of an electronic device which the user can top up with the desired amount. According to the frequency of use, the amount will be charged and the user will be able to top it up on the motorway. This system allows more use of the teletoll systems in countries where a bank account or credit cards are not common.

With an advanced control centre, tolls can be efficiently managed and completed, that is, hiring, billing, top ups or payments, customer care, possible alarms, maintenance and system administration.

Intelligent traffic control systems

Indra is also implementing traffic control system to manage demand of traffic flow in a flexible and efficient way, since the motorway can be operated accordingly; for instance, by turning some lanes into reversible at rush hour.

An information module for users will provide traffic information, time to reach destination or weather information, among others.

This project reinforces Indra’s solid presence in Mexico’s Transport and traffic market with references such as the toll systems for the Libramiento Arco Norte of Mexico City, the parking lot of the new terminal of Toluca International airport which is equipped with cutting edge security and control technology, or Suburban Railway of the Mexico City Metropolitan Area, where Indra implemented the security and ticketing systems.

Indra is one of the main companies in the development and implementation of high-technology integral solutions for traffic control and management, tunnel control and toll systems, with projects in over 46 countries. The company has important references in this sector in Mexico, USA, Chile, Brazil, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Montenegro and China.


Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the first European company in its sector according to investment in R&D and is the second Spanish company in absolute value investments in R&D. In 2009 revenues reached € 2,513 M of which a 40% came from the international market. The company employs more than 30,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.

OHL Concesiones

OHL Concesiones has become one of the market leaders in Mexico, participating in five of the main infrastructure concession holders. In toll roads, OHL Concesiones was awarded the construction and operation of the Mexico City Beltway, the Amozoc-Perote motorway and the Bicentennial Viaduct; and the Northern Puebla Bypass road infrastructure which is under construction.OHL Concesiones is also active in airport infrastructure management through Administradora Mexiquense del Aeropuerto Internacional de Toluca, AMAIT, in which OHL Toluca holds a 49% interest.

OHL Concesiones is one of the world’s leading investors in the international infrastructure market, ranking among the top 10 private developers of transportation infrastructure. The company was founded in the year 2000 as a subsidiary of the OHL Group – one of Spain’s leading construction, concessions and services groups – with the corporate purpose of developing under concession all types of infrastructure in any part of the world. In 2009 sales reached 742, 6 million Euros, of which 91.4 % come from the international market, long-term investment reached 58,685.6 million Euros with Mexico contributing a 44.5%.
