- The project includes the implementation of a solution for the management and control of the network consisting of 225 helicopter landing sites and maintenance for eight years.
- The technology to be implemented by Indra will optimise the medical transport services of the regional government of Castilla-La Mancha since all sites will be equipped to provide night service.
- This innovative project of heliport management joins Indra's broad experience in high-technology integral solutions for the management of all sorts of transport infrastructures.
Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe, was awarded the contract for the implementation, customisation, start up and maintenance of the helicopter landing site network of medical emergencies attached to Castilla-La Mancha's Management of Urgencies, Emergencies and Medical Transport for € 13M.
The company will supply and start up 121 new helicopter landing sites as well as the customisation of other existing sites. It will also be responsible for the maintenance of the 225 landing sites of the network for eight years.
The project includes the implementation of a network management and control solution which will allow optimising the network and improving the medical transport services provided by Castilla-La Mancha's regional government since more locations will be able to render night services. The current amount of sites capable of giving this service will increase from 59 to 225 with guarantees that safety meets the appropriate levels of this type of missions.
For this reason, the IT company will supply and integrate the safety and aeronautical signalling systems, a complex weather stations network equipped with lightning sensors, a closed circuit television monitorisation system; and a wireless communications network. All the implemented technology will be redundant and secure in order to guarantee the best conditions for landing and takeoff.
Control centre integrated with the Health division of the 112 emergency number
The network control centre implemented by Indra for SESCAM will be integrated with the Health division of Castilla-La Mancha’s 112 emergency number from where the remote management of the network can be centralized and carried out in real time.
SESCAM’s helicopter landing sites are designed for urgencies and emergencies to expedite the medical transport in this autonomous region. Therefore, the safety levels of the sites should meet higher standards than any other.
Castilla-La Mancha is currently the only autonomous region of the peninsula which provides a night air transport service. The helicopters of the Cuenca and Toledo bases remain active 24 hours a day with more than 400 interventions during the night shift since the service started in 2006.
This innovative project of heliport management joins Indra's broad experience in high-technology integral solutions for the management of all sorts of transport infrastructures
SESCAM’s technology partner
Additionally, the project reinforces Indra’s close cooperation with SESCAM. Among other projects, the company has developed Ykonos, SESCAM’s digital medical imaging system. This is a pioneer experience in Europe and its success led to the start up of the Excellence Centre of Digital Medical Imaging in Toledo, which was inaugurated at the beginning of the year.
We could also mention other projects such as: the advanced communications systems of Ciudad Real, Villarobledo, Tomelloso and Almansa hospitals, the implementation of the CAD systems for breast, kidney and lung tumour detection or the creation of the Tetra network to improve coordination between the emergency services and the security corps of the region.
Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to investment in R&D with nearly € 500 M during the last three years. In 2009 revenues reached € 2,513 M of which a 40% came from the international market. The company employs more than 30,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.