8 November 2010Kuwait
  • Indra becomes a benchmark supplier of this technology in the Gulf.
  • This contract joins the ambitious project to modernise the aeronautics equipment awarded this year in Oman.
  • The company is gaining a stronger position in an area which greatly demands technologies for the modernisation of its infrastructures.

Kuwait's General Directorate of Civil Aviation awarded Indra the integral modernisation of its automation systems of air traffic management.

The contract, which amounts to € 20 M approximately, was signed at the end of October in Kuwait in the presence of the Minister of Communication and Minister of State for National Assembly Affairs Mohammed Mohsen Al-Busairi, who stated: “It is an avant-garde project within the framework of the programme of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation and the Government Development Plan which seek to improve efficiency and safety of Kuwait's air navigation systems”.

With this contract the company reinforces its position in the Gulf, a strategic area due to its strong economic growth. This year, Indra was awarded an important project to modernise Oman's air traffic management infrastructures. This contract, whose technological complexity and significance are outstanding, amounted to around € 85 M. This way, the ongoing air traffic projects in the area greatly exceed € 100 M.

Cutting edge technology

Regarding the contract signed in Kuwait, Indra will implement the most advanced air traffic management automation technology. The approach control unit and the control tower of the international Airport of Kuwait city will be equipped with Indra's automated systems of air traffic management. It will also implement a back up control centre for contingencies to guarantee safety of air operations. 

These systems are ready to adopt the new concept of flight management regarding trajectory. Kuwait will be ready to operate this way, which Europe is already adopting.

This new air traffic model offers flexibility and efficiency as airlines will be able to choose the best route according to their destination, instead of using pre-established routes. It will help reduce CO2 emissions, fuel consumption and will enhance punctuality. The system also includes the time factor in its calculations which facilitates detection of possible conflicts and to offer options.

Avant garde information system

One of the keys in the management of air operations is sharing the information among airlines, air traffic controllers, bureaus of meteorology, etc. For this reason, (AIS) aeronautical information systems are required.

The company will start up tin Kuwait the most technologically advanced system so far: the system of electronic message exchange (AMHS). It will also implement the current system, (AFTN - Air Fixed Telecommunication Network) which will be progressively replaced though both now coexist.

For a successful implementation and customisation of the systems Indra will start up a new training centre and will undertake the maintenance of the systems for four years.

Stronger presence in the Gulf

In addition to the strength of the economies of the Gulf countries, they are immersed in an intensive process of modernisation of their infrastructures. These circumstances make this area a priority to Indra with respect to the company's significant internationalisation process.

Besides the outstanding contracts awarded this year in Kuwait and Oman which demonstrate the pace of the penetration of Indra in the area, previous references deserve special mention. For instance in Saudi Arabia, the company implemented a management system in a combined cycle plant of the Arab-Japanese RAWEC consortium; in Bahrein it worked with the Ministry of Electricity and Water to implement management systems; in Arab Emirates it signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Mubadala, Abu Dhabi's investment vehicle, in order to identify cooperation opportunities in technological projects.


Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. In 2009 revenues reached € 2,513 M of which a 40% came from the international market. The company employs more than 30,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.
