5 November 2010Spain
  • With the agreement signed today Indra becomes CGAE’s technology partner in the commercialisation and integration of solutions and services offered by Abogacía Española in Spain and abroad.

Madrid, November 5th, 2010- Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and the General Council of Abogacía Española (CGAE) will cooperate in the commercialization and provision of consultancy services, development, implementation and integration of  IT solutions services developed by CGAE's technology infrastructure RedAbogacía, in Public Administrations and institutions in Spain and abroad. It is included in the framework agreement signed last Friday at the headquarters of the CGAE's general council by its chairman Carlos Carnicer and the Operations General Director of Indra, Santiago Roura.

With this agreement Indra becomes a technology partner of the Abogacía Española and will be able to incorporate in its catalogue several products developed by the technology infrastructure of CGAE, RedAbogacía, in order to commercialise them in the public Administrations market.

It includes trusted third party services offered by RedAbogacía for instance: timestamping, an on-line tool which proves existence of data and that it has not been altered since a specific date, remote issuing of digital certificates in encrypted cards, custody of digital documents and a signature platform. Indra will be able to use the solutions to register log in/log out electronically as well as the e-Colegio solution as a management platform of professional associations.

Most of the products developed by RedAbogacía could be offered in ASP mode (Application Service Provider) and can be integrated in Indra's technology solutions applied to justice or electronic administration.

The IT company will provide its broad experience in provision of services and implementation of solutions for the Public Administrations market in general and for the justice sub sector specifically, at national and international levels. It will also contribute its large commercial network in over 100 countries.

The agreement will be applicable to information technologies projects within the public administrations market, including those related to study, design, development, implementation, support or customisation for a client.

Finally, CGAE and Indra agree to analyse conjointly the approach of the solutions and to determine which elements of each party will be integrated as well as the degree of participation in the operations.

Indra (www.indracompany.es)

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. In 2009 revenues reached € 2,513 M of which a 40% came from the international market. The company employs more than 30,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.

RedAbogacía, Technological Infraestructure Tecnológica of CGAE (www.redabogacia.org)

RedAbogacía was an initiative of the General Council of Abogacia Española in order to start up and lead its technology project. Since then, 82 Law associations and 100, 000 lawyers use the digital signature and many other services. In addition to this, RedAbogacia gives the Council of Abogaía Española (CCBE) counselling services regarding the implementation of digital certificate policies in Europe. Additionally, the European Commission awarded RedAbogacia the development of PenalNet, the secure communications network for criminal lawyers of Europe. RedAbogacia promotes agreements with the Public Administration for e-justice to come true.

CGAE (www.cgae.es)

The General Council of Abogacía Española (CGAE) is the representative, coordinator and high executive organ of the Spanish Law Associations,  responsible for the correct exercise of the profession and safeguards its prestige. Nowadays, there are 83 Law Associations in Spain with a total of 122, 182 active lawyers and 39, 786 non active ( November 2009 statistics) and 10 Regional Councils of Law Associations.


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