31 January 2011Spain
  • The new contract is proof of the army's satisfaction with the previous delivery of the same type which Indra implemented in Viator and Paracuellos del Jarama bases last year.
  • They virtually reproduce the situations the Spanish troops encounter when in UNO missions.
  • The simulators are the first of their type, thoroughly developed with Spanish technology and are the result of an R&D project conducted by the IT company at its Centre of Excellence in Leon.

Indra will deliver seven new VICTRIX simulators to the Army. They were specially designed to train the security forces and corps destined to UNO (United Nations Organization) international peacekeeping missions.

With this new contract the Spanish Army confirms the results obtained with the previous two simulators of this type which were implemented in the Alvarez de Sotomayor, Viator (Almeria) and Principe, Paracuellos del Jarama (Madrid) bases.

The simulators designed by Indra integrate the latest technologies in order to adapt the exercises and the scenarios to the new training requirements and to guarantee the soldiers and population's security. They were designed and developed at Indra's Centre of Excellence of Security Systems in Leon. The project was co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Regional Government of Castile and Leon.

The system is the first of its type and has been thoroughly developed with Spanish technology. It simulates the H&K G36 rifle- used by the Spanish Armed Forces- as well as other widely used weapons. One of the most outstanding features of this solution developed by Indra when compared to similar solutions by other companies is the flexibility it offers to instructors in the design of the exercises to meet their needs or operation-specific requirements.

Soldiers can use their own firearms, customised to interact with the simulator. This means that the aspect, weight and distribution, adaptability for accessories and recoil accurately resemble reality. Besides this, the absence of external connections and cables enhances such resemblance and facilitates the squad's compliance with the exercise.

Indra's technology and software help create a virtual world on a large screen with 3D scenarios and characters for the trainee to interact. The soldier's response will depend on the actions of the characters taking into account the events programmed by the instructor. For example, in an advance through a narrow street in a town in conflict, the scene will show the difficulties the instructor chooses such as the type of attack and moment.

It also incorporates a device which shoots rubber bullets in coordination with the training in order to make the trainee acquainted with the stress a real mission entails.

Real experiences without risk
Thanks to this system, students will have the chance to train without risk in all sorts of possible scenarios the Spanish Armed Forces are likely to encounter when on a peacekeeping operation in conflict areas. This is possible thanks to the integration of a smart tactic environment which reproduces previous experiences related to public security, protection of critical enclaves (humanitarian aid, water supply, electoral centres) or cooperation with allied forces.

Besides this, the instructor will be able to plan the exercises from the control centre and to create the most adequate training conditions so that soldiers learn the protocols of action. From there, the parameters of the scene can be easily modified; for example, the type of target, type of bullet, environmental conditions and types of advancement and distances can also be added. The system allows the possibility of training in a night setting with real light intensifiers.

Another great advantage is that trainees can participate altogether in the same mission even though they are at different locations thanks to the High-Level Architecture communication protocol. This technology allows connection between simulators, bringing participants together in the same scenario.

Indra holds an outstanding position among simulator manufacturers worldwide. It has delivered 147 simulators to 15 countries and 39 clients; civil and military pilots; drivers and machinery operators. It has also delivered many simulation systems for air traffic controllers. Indra's simulators have covered more than 700.000 hour training.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to investment in R&D with nearly € 500 M during the last three years.The company employs more than 30,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries. 
