2 February 2011Spain
  • This milestone is proof of Indra's commitment with excellence in project and talent management in order to have the best professionals.
  • Indra reinforces its position among the leading companies in amount of PM certified professionals in Spain.
  • The company aims at 500 certifications by 2012 with an ambitious training programme for over 120 managers a year.

In its commitment with excellence in project and talent management, Indra's PM certified professionals exceed 200. With this milestone, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe, reinforces its position as one of the leading companies in Spain in terms of amount of certified professionals by the Project Management Institute (PMI).

The PMP certification is the most respected certification worldwide. It offers public acknowledgment to the professional in terms of competence of project management and direction. It is required for most international projects and its demand is increasing. According to PMI, 80% of highly demanding projects are managed by a certified professional.

Indra aims to reach 500 certifications by 2012. In order to achieve this, it is conducting an ambitious training programme which in the next years will include more than 120 people per exercise. In 2010, five courses started with 150 professionals.

The company is aware of the importance of excellence in project management to maintain competitiveness in an each time more global market. For this reason in 2003 it created the Corporate Project Management Office and developed a methodology and management systems of its own in compliance with PMI's PMBOKGuide. Seeking the best professionals, the company maintains a firm commitment with PM training and has created annual programmes for the certification of its professionals.

Demanding requirements for a rigurous test

Indra's PMP certification programme is oriented to managers and directors with project responsibilities, at least five-years experience and a high level of English.

Once the profile of the candidate is accepted (training and experience), he/she starts Indra's training course in order to obtain the certificate three months after the sessions are concluded.

The test, in English, lasts four hours and includes 200 questions which assess the candidates' training and experience in project management and direction, how knowledgeable they are in the application of ethical principles and PMI professional conduct. This code of ethics is widely accepted in the profession practice.

The questions are based on real situations associated with the management of a project. The answer not only requires knowing the theory but also broad professional experience in project direction.

Once obtained, the certification should be renewed every three years as long as the candidate is still growing professionally in project management.

Among the world's top 25 companies in project management

In 2007 Indra was acknowledged as one of the world's top 25 companies in terms of experience, good practices and innovation in project management by the PM network magazine, PMI's benchmark publication of the sector. Besides this, the Project Management Institute gave to at that time director of Indra's Corporate Project Management Office, the “PMI Distinguished Contribution Award 2007”.

In 2010, Indra became a member of the PMI Global Executive Council for corporate networking which will substitute from 2011 on, local corporate groups such as PMI EMEA Corporate Networking Group in Europe of which the company has been a member since 2009. Currently, Indra collaborates with PMI in various activities like participation in the drafting and evaluation of PMI standards, writing of articles for magazines and books or the publication of Indra's success cases in project management.

PMI, created in 1969, is an not-for-profit membership association for the support, development and promotion of the project management profession as a key factor for the organizational development of large companies. It is based in Newton Square (Pennsylvania, USA) and is the world’s leading association of the sector, with more than 320, 000 members in 170 countries. PMI establishes norms and offers widely renowned professional certificates and engages in extensive research programmes.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to investment in R&D with nearly € 500 M during the last three years. The company employs more than 30,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.
