14 March 2011Spain
  • The Ministry of Interior awards the IT multinational the provisional scrutiny and communication of results of the upcoming municipal elections
  • Automated polling stations and data transmission through PDA will feature as the main technological innovations

The Ministry of Interior awarded Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe, the technology deployment for the municipal elections on May 22nd. Over 35.5 million citizens are expected to participate in order to elect nearly 8,000 mayors, 65,000 councilors and over 3,000 associated public officers. Indra will employ cutting-edge proprietary technologies and a team of over 500 professionals.

The company will use for the first time in municipal elections its electronically managed polling station solution in order to expedite and computerise the tasks of the polling station members on Election Day. The deployment will take place in several municipalities across the country and in some cases the solution will provide support to both municipal and regional government polls. This system was successfully implemented for the first time during the elections to the European Parliament in 2009 and to Catalonia's Regional Parliament in November 2010.

Besides this, for the first time in municipal elections the data will be transmitted from the polling stations via PDA. Indra will supply over 10,000 devices to cover more than 65% of the voters. PDA's expedite the process and reduce human error margin by using additional control features, avoiding repetitive tasks and automating data transmission.

Regarding communication of results, a multichannel communication has been conceived so that the information can be rendered in real time for the benefit of citizens, media and authorities by means of the elections portal or data applications, among others. We should also mention that through the Ministry of Interior's portal citizens can have access to the scrutiny in real time. Once it is concluded they will also be able to download local results as well as additional information related to other municipalities, autonomous regions or of national scope.

Indra has undertaken the global management and scrutiny of the municipal elections since 1978. The company supplies the technological means and the necessary supplies to guarantee reliability, security and expedition of the associated processes.

Leadership in electoral processes

Indra has participated in more than 300 successful electoral processes worldwide involving more than 2.000 million voters and has been pioneer in the use of new technologies with solutions such as: Electronic Vote, e-Counting, Internet Voting, CAE, PDA's as well as solutions and services for citizen participation like the iPARTICIPA platform.

During the last years, Indra has been involved in the election processes in countries such as UK, France, Slovenia, Portugal, Italy, United States, Argentina, and Angola among others, by offering all kinds of services and electoral solutions and implementing innovative Electronic vote systems. Besides this, it has thoroughly supported the recent elections to Catalonia and Galicia's regional parliaments and to the European parliament as well as to the legislative elections in Argentina or the Presidential elections in Colombia.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to investment in R&D with nearly € 500 M during the last three years. In 2010 revenues reached € 2,557 M of which a 40% came from the international market. The company employs more than 30,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.

