25 April 2011Spain
  • Elektrobit, Indra, Radmor, Saab, Selex Communications and Thales have started the implementation of the ESSOR Architecture onto six, nationally selected, platforms after a successful year 2010 for the ESSOR Programme.

This step could be reached as a4ESSOR – alliance for ESSOR, a Joint Venture between Elektrobit, Indra, Radmor, Saab, Selex Communications and Thales – received the approval of two major contractual milestones: the ESSOR Architecture Definition, mainly composed of the ESSOR Architecture draft standard, and the ESSOR High Data Rate Waveform (HDR WF) System Requirement Review (SRR) from OCCAR–EA – Executive Administration of the Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation, acting on behalf of Finland, France, Italy, Poland, Spain and Sweden, the Participating States (PS) –
The ESSOR Programme is intended to define a normative referential for Software Defined Radio (SDR) applications in Europe, and is expected to be the basis for radio communications international standards, aimed at improving interoperability in coalition operations, in particular with the USA and NATO.

The main goals of the ESSOR R&D Contract, started on 1st of January 2009, are:

  • To define, implement and validate the ESSOR Architecture, a SDR architecture based on the Software Communications Architecture release 2.2.2 (SCA 2.2.2) and available parts of the US JTRS (Joint Tactical Radio System) Programme, onto the six PS, nationally selected, SDR platforms.
  • To define, simulate, develop, port and validate a secure HDR WF onto the six PS, nationally selected, SDR platforms.
  • To perform Interoperability tests of the HDR WF ported onto the six platforms.

Spain has designated TERSO as the ESSOR national SDR platform. TERSO is the SDR platform developed by Indra for Spanish TECIN / DGAM. All the results obtained until now confirm it will be ready for the Interoperability tests.

Based on the successful results obtained, the ESSOR community has also proactively started the promotion of the ESSOR products (the ESSOR Architecture and the HDR WF) by participating to several international events, such as the active participation to the main SDR International, NATO and EU Conferences and the Wireless Innovation Forum, where contributions to the new generation of JTRS SCA, namely SCA-Next, are being provided.
