4 May 2011Turkey
  • The company will exhibit CBRN, border surveillance, electronics defence and unmanned platforms systems, among others
  • The Turkish Armed Forces have already acquired a CBRN laboratory from Indra and train with the company’s simulators
  • Indra will work on the complete modernization of the radar station network which will manage civil air traffic in Turkey

Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America, will attend IDEF, the Turkish Biannual Defence and Aerospace industry fair.

The company will exhibit its systems to countermeasure CBRN threats, coastal surveillance systems, radar surveillance, electronic defence and communications systems as well as the latest advances in unmanned platforms.

These technologies comprise Indra’s broad knowledge in the development of intelligent systems, surveillance and recognition as well as in the production of equipment for personal and platform protection.

Indra’s stand will display one of its CBRN laboratories. This solution was designed with transportation in mind, so that it can be deployed in a contaminated area and guarantees a clean work environment. The company’s solutions cover detection, CBRN analysis and decontamination.
Indra’s border and coastal surveillance systems on exhibition will prove the company’s leadership in this segment. The surveillance systems cover more than 3,500 km of borders. The systems are in operation in Spain, Rumania, Lithuania and Hong Kong, besides the implementation in Portugal which is underway.  In addition to this, the company leads European project Perseus which seeks to integrate and improve existing and future coastal surveillance systems in the continent.

On the other hand, Indra will unveil a wide variety of surveillance systems. It will present the naval version of its Lanza 3D radar. The family of Lanza 3D radars consists of fixed, mobile and naval radars and was born of 7 years of investigation in addition to 8 more years dedicated to development. The result is a first-in-class system capable of high accuracy and stealth detection in hostile surroundings.

In turn, the ground version of this radar is a key element in the early alert network in charge of the protection of Spain’s air space and has recently been acquired by Portugal and Uruguay. The naval version is into service onboard a number of ships of the Spanish Navy.

The company will also display its Low Probability of Intercept radars (LPI) ARIES and Precision Approach Radars (PAR), specially designed to be embarked on vessels. The radars have been implemented on several ships of the Spanish Navy like the LHD vessel Juan Carlos I.
Regarding unmanned platforms Indra will present its helicopter Pelican. This system was specially designed to be embarked on ships and undertake surveillance missions. It will enter service this year.

Within electronic defence, the company will present the radar warning, integrated in platforms such as F18, A400M, C295, Tiger helicopter, the NH90, Chinook or Cougar, etc. In addition to this, it will display Rigel, a system of electronic defence which is onboard all Spanish Navy ships and was acquired by German corvettes and, its submarine version, also acquired by Germany and Italy. Besides this, other systems will be unveiled at the event: satellite communications systems for submarines (TSUB) or Link-16 communications systems for aircrafts.

Indra has already developed different systems for Turkey’s Armed Forces such as the above-mentioned CBRN laboratory, simulators for Sea Hawk and Black Hawk helicopters, installed at two pilot training centers. Outside defence, the Spanish company is engaged on the deployment of the surveillance radar systems network to coordinate and guarantee security in the country’s civil air traffic.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to investment in R&D with nearly € 500 M during the last three years. In 2010 revenues reached € 2,557 M of which a 40% came from the international market. The company employs more than 30,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.

