- The contract comprises for the first time at least the primary and presidential elections
- New technological advances will be implemented to improve the quality and speed of the provisional scrutiny
- Indra has undertaken the counting of the votes in national elections since 1997
Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading multinational in Europe and Latin America, will perform the provisional scrutiny of the national elections in Argentina this year. The contract comprises the counting of votes for the primary elections on the 14 of August where citizens will select the candidates of the different parties and the scrutiny of the national elections on the 23 of October for the election of President and Vice-president; deputies and senators, and finally a third electoral process in the event of a ballotage for election of the President and Vice President. The counting of votes of provinces whose regional elections are held on the same day as the national elections will also be included in the contract.
The IT company will undertake the design, planning and organization of the transmission, processing and broadcast of the provisional count. Nearly 30 million citizens will have the possibility to vote with more than 70,000 polling stations distributed across the national territory.
The technological innovations will be developed in pilots and they seek to automate the provisional count by the polling stations. The final purpose is to reduce the transmission time and guarantee the data quality.
Indra will destine a team of 1,100 professionals and 31 count centers all over the country. It will provide different channels for the publication of results, not only for the authorities but also for citizens and media.
Indra has an active role in electoral processes in Argentina. It has participated in the provisional scrutiny of the national elections since 1997, incorporating all the necessary means to make the count and publication processes reliable, secure and fast.
This new contract joins the recent awarded municipal elections in Spain and the scrutiny of Oslo’s local elections using Indra’s e-Counting technology.
Leadership in electoral processes
Indra has gained experience out of participating in more than 300 successful electoral processes across the world with more than 2.000 million voters, being a pioneer in the use of new technologies for instance: electronic vote, e-Counting, Internet vote, CAE, PDAs, etc. or solutions and services for citizen participation like iPARTICIPA.
During the last years, Indra has participated in elections in UK, France, Norway, Slovenia, Portugal, Italy, United States, Argentina, Colombia, and Angola among others, by offering all kinds of services and electoral solutions and implementing innovative Electronic vote systems.
Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to investment in R&D with nearly € 500 M during the last three years. In 2010 revenues reached € 2,557 M of which a 40% came from the international market. The company employs more than 31,000 professionals and has clients in more than 110 countries.