21 June 2011Spain
  • Javier de Andrés appointed Managing Director
  • Ignacio Santillana joins the board
  • Daniel García-Pita is appointed Vice- Chairman of the Board of Directors and Alberto Terol Chairman of the Audit and Compliance Committee

Javier de Andrés has been appointed Managing Director by Indra’s Board of Directors after receiving the approval of the General Shareholder’s Meeting held today.

De Andrés is Economist, MBA by the IESE and EOI. He joined Indra in 1999 where he held office as Management Control Director until 2007 when he was appointed Corporate Control, Purchase and Logistic Systems Senior Vice-president. In 2009 he is appointed CEO of the BPO Division and in 2010 was proposed as Managing Director.

This appointment reinforces the company’s Board of Directors in order to address an intense globalisation process and future goals as communicated by the company in December last year. In compliance with these resolutions, Regino Moranchel, President of Indra will focus on the supervision of Indra’s most critical businesses and activities and on the implementation of strategic processes required to strengthen Indra’s globalization and to fully leverage the Company’s growth opportunities.

Ignacio Santillana has been nominated Independent Director of the board by the General Shareholder’s meeting in substitution of Manuel Soto, who finalises his term after 12 years as a member of the board.

Daniel García-Pita has been appointed Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors as a representative of Independent Directors and Alberto Terol, Chairman of Audit and Compliance Committee, both positions occupied by Manuel Soto until today.

Dividends of €0.68 per share

The distribution of a dividend of €0.68 per share has been approved. It represents a pay-out of 59% and a dividend yield of 5.3% per share over the 2010 year results. The dividends will be payable from 4 of July
