2 November 2011Spain
  • EROSKI and Indra have signed a collaboration agreement to extend the outlet management model configured by both companies to over 550 centers of the Group
  • 25,000 people will benefit from this new system and from a technical office for support and maintenance


The Eroski Group has signed a collaboration agreement with Indra, the premier IT Company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe, with the objective of improving the productivity of its outlets. This initiative is part of the improvement strategy the Group is undergoing for its lines of business. The agreement will cover a period of five years.

The Management Model defined by Eroski group is the result of the collaboration between both entities for the last three years and is based on permanent improvement and productivity policies. In addition to this, the model is supported by applications designed for that purpose and integrates added-value elements for business processes such as procedures for the operations which take place at the outlets and standards, criteria for staff planning or definition of their working hours at the centers.
The agreement seeks to extend this management model and associated applications to the outlet network of the Group, which consists of around 550 centres from Eroski/Center and Eroski/City distributed across Spain. In total, 25,000 staff members will benefit from this new system.

In order to undertake this improvement a technical office was created. A part of the staff of the office will come from Eroski and the other part from Indra and it will provide the maintenance of the model and applications, giving support to their extension, thus facilitating control of resources and effectiveness in management. 

Solutions for the Industry

Indra is at the forefront of the Industry and Consumption sectors with solutions and services conceived to attain a constant improvement in productivity and in resource management. The company’s systems boost its clients’ competitiveness, offer access to the new market opportunities and ways to address the latest challenges. Indra’s commitment to smart infrastructures implies a qualitative leap regarding the approach

to business processes applied so far and its execution, thus contributing to the innovation process of major companies.

Indra has credited experience in this industry. The company recently signed an agreement with Asturian Duro Felguera Group to implement the corporate systems platform with Oracle’s applications and technology for 12 million Euros. Indra is also collaborating with Grupo Leche Pascual for the implementation of “Lidera 2012” with the objective of promoting and consolidating the type of leadership defined by the group’s management strategy. Furthermore, the Spanish company is working with SAGE, world leader in management solutions and services for the small-medium sized company, in the development, integration and commercialisation of state-of-the-art IT solutions to improve the productivity and effectiveness of small-medium sized companies.

In the international arena, Indra has outstanding references such as the management system developed for BIAL, Portugal’s largest pharmaceutical; the implementation of an advanced traceability in real time system for Blue Express; or the software development and maintenance systems for the different branches of Peugeot Citröen Automovile across the world.

About Indra

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to investment in R&D with nearly € 500 M during the last three years. In 2010 revenues reached € 2,557 M of which a 40% came from the international market. The company employs more than 31,000 professionals and has clients in more than 110 countries.

About Eroski Group

Its commercial network consists of 112 EROSKI hypermarkets, 989 supermarkets (EROSKI/city and Caprabo), 59 gas stations, 19 cash carry, 218 travel agents, 36 FORUM shops, 281 If perfumeries, 6 Abac leisure and culture shops; and 19 logistics platforms. This network is complete with 485 Aliprox garages.
