25 November 2011Spain
  • The company will present the DaVinci system, the world’s most advanced railway traffic management platform; its ticketing and access control systems as well as the STACrail, a system for assisted exploitation, among others
  • Indra’s commitment to the railway industry and to innovation place the company’s solutions at the international forefront with references in countries such as: USA, UK, Malaysia or China

Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe, will present its state-of-the-art solutions for the railway industry at the BcnRail, the International Railway Industry Show to be held in Barcelona, from November 29 to December 2nd.

The company will exhibit the Da Vinci system-developed by the company and intellectual property of Adif-which is regarded as the world’s most advanced railway traffic management platform. Da Vinci has proved its effectiveness and versatility in the management of networks with different characteristics: the Spanish high-speed network, the Metro de Medellin or the London Underground. In addition to this, it was awarded the integral management of Morocco and Lithuania’s railway networks as well as the management of the future La Meca-Medina high-speed line traffic.

The project in Saudi Arabia also includes Indra’s latest ticketing and access control technology, also to be exhibit at the event. The contactless ticketing technology speeds up passenger flow as the cards in substitution of the tickets are validated via radio frequency by means of contactless access control systems. Indra is one of the leading companies in the ticketing sector in the world, with references such as the metro networks of Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Lisbon, Chile, Mumbai or Shangai, Mexi DF’s Suburban Railway of the Mexico City Metropolitan Area, the Metro of Austin (Texas) or St Louis light rail, in USA or Kuala Lumpur railway lines, Malaysia.

STACrail, a railway traffic support system

Indra will also present at the event STACrail (a technological railway traffic support system), a multifunctional tool conceived to make up for absence of CTC (Centralised Traffic Control) which is used for control and global management of railway transport.

The solution, implemented for FEVE in Spain, increases security, accuracy and quality of traditional systems and is an effective tool for the management of the railway exploitation information.

State-of-the-art technology for the industry

Indra's commitment to the railway sector and innovation boosts the development of cutting-edge proprietary technology with great potential for exportation. Proof of this is Ave’s project for La Mecca-Medina line, Spain’s greatest international enterprise for the future Saudi Arabia’s largest line, and where Indra is involved. The company will implement the systems of railway traffic management, telecommunications, ticketing, and security and information technologies for the project.

Besides this, the company continues to strive in innovation for the development of the latest railway technologies within the framework of ERTMS level 2 or ASFA Digital, among others.

For instance, the company developed a new RBC system (Radio Block Center) in order to enhance signaling with views to the future European traffic management system (ERTMS level 2). The system is currently under validation and certification at the Rail Technology Centre (CTF) of Adif in Malaga. 

This year Indra set up at the CTF a research laboratory specialised in advanced solutions for railway traffic to join its capacities to those of Adif in order to consolidate Spain as a world reference in high-speed technology.


Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to investment in R&D with over € 500 M during the last three years. In 2010 revenues reached € 2,557 M of which a 44% came from the international market. The company employs more than 35,000 professionals and has clients in more than 110 countries.

