2 March 2012Ecuador

The IT Company will implement its judicial management platform to expedite and improve the management and followup of files, thus making justice administration more transparent in the country

The contract reinforces Indra's position as a strategic technology partner in the modernisation of Latin America's judicial systems with significant references in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela, Dominican Republic or Argentina

Indra, the premier IT Company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America, was awarded a contract by Ecuador’s transitional judiciary council in order to implement a platform to support electronic file management and the work of those officers involved in the judicial system. The ultimate purpose is to equip the system with tools for expeditious and transparent administration of justice in the country and to guarantee citizens’ rights to an efficient and effective judicial system.

With this contract Indra becomes the Government’s technology partner in the outstanding transformation process of its judicial system- with emphasis on criminal matters- which is currently underway. The IT Company will export its 25-year experience in modernisation projects of judicial systems in Spain and Latin America.

The project comprises the implementation of Indra’s Judicial management system (SEINSIR ©), a technological platform for the registry, control and followup of judicial matters from the registry to the execution of sentences. It also incorporates mobility technologies for magistrates, judges, clerks and judicial staff. Besides this, web services and Justicia 2.0 will be included to bring citizens closer to professionals by facilitating procedures, submission of documents or access to electronic notifications.

The initiative will help modernise all the divisions within the Judicial Power with    electronic processes that increase the expeditiousness and coverage of justice. On the other hand, citizens will benefit from the reliability and expeditiousness of the system in the resolution of cases and will have more guarantees and easy access to judicial services. 

Moreover, Indra will implement its Business Intelligence system to provide the judicial council with the necessary information to deal with planning and management and thus obtain a comprehensive view and accurate diagnose of the judicial scenario in Ecuador. Those professionals who use the system will have an accurate knowledge of the impact of justice-related issues and will be able to come forth with the adequate proposals besides obtaining feedback of their actions.

 For this project Indra will rely on 80 experts and the support of its Software Labs network in Spain and Latin America.
Over 25-year experience in justice modernisation projects

Indra has over 25 years of experience in the modernisation of judicial systems, mainly in Spain and Latin America. In addition, the company has important references in the justice sector in Asia, for instance, the contract to design and develop the management model and systems of the Philippines Supreme Court.

The digitalization of the Spanish Civil registries, the implementation and maintenance of the systems for the Ministry of Justice or the implementation of The Judiciary Council’s web and extranet for judges and magistrates are some of the most outstanding projects  developed by the IT company in Spain. At a regional level, we should mention the different and integrated procedural law systems commissioned by the Basque Country's Justice Department and the latest information systems that support decision-making for the country’s Supreme Court; the applications of proceeding management by the Justice Administration of Madrid or the design and computerization of the Generalitat Valenciana or the Andalusian Government’s justice offices based on the customisation of the company's solutions developed in the framework of its R&D programmes. Finally, the company was commissioned two solutions for Castilla-La Mancha and Castilla y Leon.

In the international arena, it is worth mentioning the review and redesign of processes as well as the creation and roll out of an integrated information system to manage cases for Costa Rica's judicial organs. We should add the system for criminalistics information (SICRIM) for Portugal’s Ministry of Justice, the implementation of the organization model and management system for Venezuela’s courts, the design of the model of judicial dispatch and implementation of proceeding management in Nicaragua’s Supreme Court or the computerisation of the land jurisdiction’s offices and courts for the Dominican Republic’s Supreme Court or the modernisation of the Superior Council of the Magistracy and the Supreme Court of Santa Fe (Argentina).

Thanks to the company's broad experience in the implementation of technological and organisational applications in the Justice sector, the National School of Court Clerks awarded Indra the I Prize for Excellence for the technological modernisation of Justice for the delivery of solutions for 25 years. Furthermore, the IT company participates annually in The Ibero-American Judicial Summit with an extensive exhibition of its state-of-the-art solutions for Justice Administration. 


Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to investment in R&D with over € 500 M during the last three years. In 2011 revenues reached € 2,688 M and the international market already accounts for a 50%. The company employs more than 36,000 professionals and has clients in more than 110 countries.



