5 March 2012Spain

The selection was based on innovation and feasibility criteria; and the quality, variety in subjects and different origins of the ideas prove the success of this global and open contest

A jury of experts will evaluate the proposals and will choose three technology- based ideas and the results will be announced during the awards ceremony

A committee of innovation experts of Indra has chosen 12 finalists among the 1,500 ideas received within the framework of the Think Innovation initiative promoted by the IT multinational with the objective of identifying and boosting new technological proposals. Innovation and feasibility were decisive factors for the selection and the quality, variety of subjects and different origins prove the success of this innovative and open character contest in achieving the IT multinational's objective.

The innovative proposals have been published on Indra's website (http://www.indracompany.com/sostenibilidad-e-innovacion/piensa-en-innovar) which also makes room for comments and support in order to generate synergies among the ideas. The proposals have been viewed around 200,000 times, with 10,000 registered users from several countries, support provided by 12,000 visitors and the 1000 comments to proposals reveal great interest in Think Innovation. We should also mention the participation increased throughout the contest and the well reception by social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

Regarding the finalist ideas, five of them are related to Internet of things, which consists of equipping objects with a connection to exchange information. Three deal with accessible technologies as they are oriented to social innovation to integrate people with disabilities. The remaining four refer to smart cities, robotics, welfare economics or green solutions for efficiency and sustainability. The authors of these ideas have different backgrounds; Indra professionals of Spain and Colombia, Spanish and Brazilian entrepreneurs and even a 19-year old university student.

A jury of experts will evaluate the 12 finalist ideas and will choose three of them. The results will be announced in April during the award ceremony to be held at Indra's headquarters.

Winners will be awarded a business plan design. Indra will contribute human and intellectual capital as well as a work methodology to boost the idea and make it come true besides of studying the possibility of collaborating with the author.

Finalist proposals

  • Cloud Agro: Integral system for the management and control in the cloud to develop a green house with a cutting-edge, automated and efficient approach in the use of hydrological and energy resources. It facilitates growing profitable and varied crops throughout the year.
  • Drones. Remote visual control: Development of drones (unmanned vehicles) to reduce the risks and dangers to operators as it allows vision of an inaccessible place in adverse situations.
  • e-avatar: This service renders 3D models by imaging processing which could be used  by several industries in the cloud. For instance it can provide assistance with internet shopping by rendering a human model to try on clothes.
  • Fire Risk App: A system to predict and evaluate risks of forest fires using the coordinates of the area by means of satellite images and geographic information systems.
  • Smart lighting: The solution permits reduction of power consumption of a 55% and 100% depending on the area and the type of lamp-post, in the absence of traffic and using current infrastructures.
  • Mobility-impairment spaces: A free and collaborative application to search and find information about reduce-mobility parking spaces via smartphone. It also permits to identify correct use and size of the spaces.
  • Mobility and smart cities: solution to obtain and publish online information of interest about a city, in a precise, efficient and sustainable way with citizen participation by deploying sensors in the public bicycle system.
  • Obras 2.0: Portal for the follow-up of works which can be entirely managed from the cloud and enables communication among all agents and interest groups (promoters, construction companies, project management team, citizens).
  • OpenID: Solution to promote use of electronic ID card for the Administration telematic procedures without need of drivers. It combines the Open ID authentication protocol, the electronic ID card and its authentication capacity.
  • Perro Guía virtual: Application oriented to mobile devices for people with vision impairments. It warns of obstacles and calculates the best routes by combining the device's web cam with GPS and visual recognition technology.
  • Risk in flight: System to manage the flight deck in dangerous or emergency situations. It is based on the monitorisation and analysis of the pilot's condition in the event of critical situations, including fatigue, and then combining that information with that of flight tools.
  • Assistive-interactive digital television: Solution including resources and services to assist people with impairments by means of digital television and mobile phones.

Contest with an open innovation approach

Among the most outstanding features of Think Innovation, we should mention its public and open nature as the ideas have been published on Indra's website without access restrictions and users can give support to the ideas or submit comments. All this was possible thanks to Indra's i-Participa platform designed for digital participation and open innovation.

The three most popular ideas will receive an iPad and will try a helicopter simulator developed by Indra. The ideas consist of a system to locate and request a taxi pick up service, an augmented driving application and the solution for smart control of public lighting which also classified as finalist.

Upon conclusion of the voting period on February 15th, a survey was conducted among the platform users and the results reveal that 85% of users consider Think innovation as a world class initiative, while 89% rates published ideas as good and excellent.

Commitment to innovation

Innovation is the pillar Indra's business, the core of its sustainability as a company and the distinguishing factor of its solutions and services. “Think Innovation” is in line with Indra's open innovation model where the multinational seeks and promotes in-house innovation and talent and also through its clients, partners, suppliers, universities, knowledge institutions and society in general.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to investment in R&D with over € 500 M during the last three years. In 2011 revenues reached € 2,688 M and the international market already accounts for a 50%. The company employs more than 36,000 professionals and has clients in more than 110 countries.

