31 May 2012Oman
  • This technology will allow the Arab nation's navigation service provider to manage higher air traffic volumes
  • The system adapts to route and approach roles and displays information in a virtual setting that facilitates access and decision making


Indra will implement its new and recently-developed air traffic control station at the Muscat and Salalah air traffic control centres in the Sultanate of Oman. Its innovative design and characteristics make this system one of the most advanced and innovative options on the market. The delivery of these consoles forms part of the contract signed by Indra with the Sultanate's Ministry of Transport and Communications in 2010, a project that will last until 2014.

Controllers in the Sultanate of Oman will have a work station that has been designed with a holistic approach that takes into consideration current and future needs. Having this technology will offer an important competitive advantage for the nation's navigation service provider since it will allow controllers to process higher air traffic volumes. Indra is a leading company in the international ATM market, with over 1,200 installations in 95 countries and over 30 years of experience.

Using a single 56" high resolution screen, controllers will have fast and convenient access to all the necessary information, eliminating the need to display data on different monitors. Everything appears in a single virtual environment that is free from visual distractions. The simplicity and the possibilities offered by the system facilitate the work of controllers and provide them with addition time for making correct decisions and managing growing air traffic volumes.

Controllers at the Muscat and Salalah centres can quickly access flight plan data, radar information, manage communications, consult meteorological information as well as flight documents and data.  Controllers are able to select how this data is displayed on screen to create their own work environment without any limitations.

The console adapts to the profile and functions of route controllers as well as approach controllers. This means that the Sultanate of Oman's air navigation service provider does not have to purchase different stations for each post. This is an important advantage since it gives control centres flexibility in adapting to their needs at any time.

Each controller will have an individual username and password with which to access their personal configuration. The station will recognise their role and retrieve the configuration for their preferred work area. Operators can use any of the stations located in the control centre.

To ensure that the devices are able to easily adapt the technological developments and changes that are introduced in future decades, the control station has been developed with an open architecture paradigm. This facilitates interoperability to a maximum in order to include new software versions or integrate information from various sources without making changes to the system.

Interoperability is a key concept in the station's design since air traffic management systems must more and more frequently exchange information with systems and control centres from other countries involved in air operations.

Indra in the Arabian Gulf

In 2010, Indra was awarded an important contract to modernise the Sultanate of Oman's ATM infrastructures. The company is implementing a common air traffic management advanced automation system for all its airports and control centres. It is also renewing land-air voice communication systems, implementing a complete meteorological system and expanding the aeronautical message management system. The sultanate's two international airports--Muscat and Salalah--will also be equipped with Indra's guidance and runway movement monitoring systems. The company is also carrying out ATM projects in Kuwait and Jordan. Indra also has references in the area of technologies for improving the processes of Public Administrations and Utility companies in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.


Indra is the number one IT multinational in Spain, and one of the leaders in Europe and Latin America. It is the second European company in its sector in terms of R&D, with more than €500 million invested in the last three years. Its 2011 revenues were €2.688 billion, and international markets now account for 50%. The company employs more than 36,000 professionals and has customers in 118 countries.

