25 October 2012Lithuania
  • This technology allows aircraft to operate in adverse meteorological conditions and improves landings and takeoffs, increasing punctuality
  • The solution has a double surveillance system composed of a surface movement radar (SMR) and a multilateration system (MLAT)
  • Indra has consolidated its status as S.E. Oro Navigacija's technology partner, having previously deployed its airspace surveillance network


The technology multinational has equipped the Lithuanian air navigation services supplier S.E. Oro Navigacija with an updated surface aircraft movement guidance and control system. It is a level 2 system: the maximum validation level by Eurocontrol.

Indra has completed the implementation of this A-SMGCS (Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System) at Vilnius International Airport, following the recent delivery of the multilateration system.

The new multilateration system (MLAT) is composed of more than ten reception stations deployed around the airport to determine the exact position of the aircraft. The stations use the messages automatically issued by the aircraft to identify them and calculate their position.

This system is used in conjunction with the surface movement radar (SMR) and the system to present this radar's data in the tower, both of which were implemented by Indra in 2008, to form the current A-SMGCS with double surveillance sensors: SMR and MLAT. This solution will provide controllers with complete visibility of all the runway movements, making airport traffic movements safer and smoother. It also facilitates takeoff and landing control, improves punctuality, and increases the airport's traffic management capacity.

The constant increase of air traffic in Europe and greater frequency of landings and takeoffs, are forcing airports to implement this type of system. This contract has strengthened Indra's position in the field of a technology that has increasing demand.

Airspace Safety
The delivery of this system has reinforced the strong relationship Indra has had since 2007 with S.E. Oro Navigacija as its technology provider. Indra was also responsible for the deployment of the network of radar stations that control Lithuania’s airspace, in which three stations with primary surveillance radars (PSR) and associated Mode S secondary radars (MSSR) were implemented at Vilnius, Kaunas, and Palanga.


Indra is the leading technology multinational in Spain and a leader in Europe and Latin America. It is the second European company in its sector in terms of R&D, with €550 million invested in the last three years. Its turnover in 2011 was €2.688 billion, and more than half of its income is currently from international markets. The company employs 40,000 professionals and has customers in 118 countries.

