10 December 2012Spain
  • The application was used for the first time in the past Catalan elections and was very popular among citizens, with over 80,000 downloads (nationally and internationally).
  • The purpose of the company was to offer innovating election solutions to its clients, in keeping with the new social and technological reality.


Indra, the leading Spanish Information Technology multinational and a major player in Europe and Latin America, has developed an App to follow the poll results in real time with Android and iOS (IPhone) Smartphones. The new application was used for the first time in the past Elections to the Parliament of Catalonia, as part of a joint innovation project with the CTTI (Communications and Information Technology Centre of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia), and has been available at the download portals of Google (Google Play) and Apple (AppStore).

Its success translated into over 80,000 downloads by users in 108 countries and over 5 million app visits. Therefore, it became the No. 1 App in AppStore and Google Play during the polling day. Users rated it with an almost excellent rating (over 4/5). Likewise, this is the first time in Spain that an Administration establishes an information channel that is exclusively dedicated to providing information about polling results, based on an application for smartphones.

To this end, Indra has expanded its polling results information and communication channels, in keeping with the current social and technological reality. This new tool is added to all other polling results distribution channels included in the company's offer, such as the Elections Website and Provisional Polling Results Website, while offering access through mobile devices to follow the poll results in real time or the option to receive SMS messages in mobile phones. 

Leader in electoral processes

Indra has gained experience from participating in more than 350 electoral processes throughout the world, involving more than three billion voters. It is a pioneer in the use of new technologies with solutions that include Electronic Voting, e-Counting, Internet Voting, as well as solutions and services for citizen involvement such as the iPARTICIPA platform, applied technological solutions for electoral management such as the use of PDAs or equipping polling tables with computer tools that facilitate and simplify tasks (Electronically Administered Table, EAT).

In recent years, Indra has participated in the electoral processes of countries such as the United Kingdom, Norway, France, Slovenia, Portugal, Italy, USA, Argentina and Angola, among others, offering all types of electoral solutions and services, and implementing innovative electronic voting systems. It was also responsible for counting the provisional polling results and broadcasting them during the 2012 elections in Asturias, Andalusia and Galicia, as well as the 2011 Spanish General and Local Elections, which took place during most of the autonomous community elections of the same year.

During the year 2012, Indra has participated in the legislative and municipal elections of El Salvador. Likewise, during the year 2011, Indra performed the counting of Argentina's primary election results for the national electoral positions of president and vice president, deputies and senators in August; the national elections for the previous electoral positions in October and the local elections for the city of Buenos Aires and the province of Buenos Aires, a portion of Colombia's local elections and as well as of Oslo's (Norway) local elections with e-counting systems.


Indra is the leading technology multinational in Spain and a leader in Europe and Latin America. It is the second European company in its sector in terms of R&D, with €550 million invested in the last three years. Its turnover in 2011 was €2,688 million, and 55% of its revenue is currently from international markets. The company employs 42,000 professionals and has customers in 118 countries.
