12 December 2012Spain


  • The purpose of the centre will be to coordinate the EU's humanitarian aid deployment and Civil Protection actions anywhere on the planet.

  • Indra consolidates its position as a leading European company in the security market.


Indra, the technological multinational, will be responsible for creating the future Emergency Response Centre (ERC) of the General Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department (DG-ECHO) of the European Commission. The centre will be ready to start its operations by mid 2013 and will be located in Brussels.

The ERC replaces and expands the operations of the current Monitoring and Information Centre (MIC) as the centre that processes and coordinates the resources of the different States that are members of the so-called European Civil Protection Mechanism.

This Mechanism allows the EU to respond to natural disasters, acts of terrorism and technological, radiological or environmental accidents, coordinating the available resources of each member State. 32 States are currently participating members of this Mechanism (27 member States of the EU, Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland, Croatia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia).

The new centre will use state-of-the-art coordination, multimedia visualisation and video and audio management tools. Its implementation will establish a more solid link between civil protection and humanitarian aid actors of the European Commission and member States.

This project consolidates Indra's position as a leading company in the implementation of advanced operational coordination centres in the public and private safety area. In addition, the company has positioned itself as a leading technological partner of the European Institutions.

Indra is responsible for the implementation of the Integrated Safety and Emergency Centre of Madrid (CISEM), Single Emergency Coordination and Control Centre (CUCC) for the City of Buenos Aires, Assistance and Dispatch Centre for the 091 rooms of the General Police Department in Spain or the Incident Management System for the Fire Department of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia, among other projects. Likewise, the company was responsible for equipping the Military Emergency Unit with an advanced command and control system, the SIMGE, from which it directs and coordinates all actions of this body throughout the Spanish territory.


Indra is the leading technology multinational in Spain and a leader in Europe and Latin America. It is the second European company in its sector in terms of R&D, with €550 million invested in the last three years. Its turnover in 2011 was €2,688 million and over 55% of its income is currently from international markets. The company employs 42,000 professionals and has customers in 118 countries.
