28 January 2010Spain

Albacete’s Control & Regulation Centre will be equipped with the Da Vinci platform, a product of the cooperation between Indra and Adif

The project, with a 13.1 million euro investment, will equip the line with one of the most-advanced railway management systems of the world

Adif and Indra will implement the Da Vinci platform for the management and regulation of railway traffic in the high-speed line of Madrid-Castilla La Mancha-Valencia-Murcia.

The project, with an investment of euros 13,159,989.1, will equip Albacete’s Control & Regulation Centre (CRC) with Da Vinci platform. It integrates all control, supervision and communications systems required to manage and monitor the operation of the future high-speed railway network which will enter service this year.

The Da Vinci system, whose intellectual property rights belong to Adif, includes the centralized traffic control feature, landline and GSM-R communications, signage, energy remote control, video-surveillance and control of facilities and infrastructure of the stations.

Initially, the project includes the operation of a 438 km stretch to Cuenca, Valencia and Albacete. However, the system allows foreseen extensions which mean extending control over the 955 km that make up the high-speed railway network. Besides this, the solution allows interoperability with other high-speed and conventional width lines.

Indra was chosen as technology partner by Adif to contribute its experience and capacity in the development of Da Vinci. The system is currently regarded as the most advanced technological platform for railway management in the world.

The Da Vinci system

The Da Vinci system, which manages the high-speed networks of Madrid-Barcelona, Córdoba-Málaga, Madrid-Valladolid and Madrid-Sevilla, has been developed by Indra in cooperation with Adif. Da Vinci is a product of heavy investment in R+D+I and of the work of 150 people throughout four years. Besides this, the system is continuously undergoing upgrades in order to meet new requirements and incorporate improvements.

Da Vinci has proved its effectiveness in the management of networks with different characteristics: the Spanish high-speed network, Feve’s narrow-gauge lines, Metro de Medellin-where the system governs both the traffic and the rest of associated systems; or the London Underground (Metronet). This year, the solution was awarded the integral management of Morocco’s railway traffic and is currently tendering for projects in China and UK, among other countries.

From a functional standpoint, the system envisages the integration of all remote systems (enclaves, power, ERTMS, detectors, etc), operational planning, a real-time traffic monitoring system, traffic predictions, automatic routing of trains, a geographical information system, delivery of data to train drivers, traffic regulation, statistics, passenger information, invoicing, simulation and reconstruction of earlier incidents. It also allows the dissemination of information via internet and the remote monitoring of all systems.

Adif has always invested in innovation and technological development. Evidence of this is the boost the company has given to many projects focused on this area, besides signing different agreements with many companies and universities.
