Airbus Military SL (AMSL) has selected Thales as the A400M Full Flight Simulator (FFS) Design Authority through the signing of a formal agreement. Indra as a partner to Thales will actively participate in the development of the mission capable simulator for the A400M European military-transport aircraft.

Thales and Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe, together with AMSL's industrial Partners will be responsible for the development and implementation the first full flight simulator for the A400M European military-transport plane within three years from contract award. The full flight simulator will be used in the Airbus Military’s International Training Centre in Seville.

Thales and Indra together with AMSL's industrial Partners expect to receive further requests for full flight simulators covering the needs of the lead Nations participating in the project (France, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Turkey, Belgium and Luxembourg).

The full flight simulator designed by Thales and Indra together with AMSL's industrial Partners will be in full-compliance with the regulations set forth by the European Joint Aviation Authority (JAA). Along with the system's development, Indra will also be responsible for several key system elements.

By co-operating in this way, Indra consolidates its position as a leading company in flight simulation and increases its participation in one of the largest collaborative projects of the European aeronautical industry.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to stock market capitalisation, and it is one of the three Spanish companies with more investment in R&D. In 2007, revenues reached € 2.167 M, of which a third came from the international market. The company employs more than 23.500 professionals and has clients in more than 93 countries.

