21 March 2013Spain
  • It is an integrated data collection and processing system, a pioneer in its development, that monitors the medium/low voltage grid and enables interoperability in the remote management of new smart meters
  • inSPEED provides customer consumption data instantly, making it possible for power companies to manage efficiently and provide personalised services

Indra, the leading Spanish multinational consulting and technology firm and one of the main players in Europe and Latin America, has developed a new smart platform for efficiently collecting, processing and distributing energy information that facilitates a sustainable, competitive and secure use of power resources. inSPEED (Smart Platform for Efficient Energy Distribution) is an innovative monitoring, remote management and analysis system designed for the new generation of energy devices and sensors, including smart meters. inSPEED allows collecting, integrating and managing in real time the data generated by the devices that comprise the new power grids-- Smart Grids. The data includes information about residential consumption, which makes it possible for energy distributors and commercialisation companies to manage each time period more efficiently and offer customers new services.

This integrated data collection and processing platform can handle large volumes of information, facilitating the management of medium and low voltage networks by distributing information in real time between various applications. In addition, inSPEED's high capabilities in the area of connectivity and the complex processing of events allows implementing a wide array of new services: smart grid monitoring, advanced simulation, integration of distributed generation, active demand management, etc.

The solution integrates in a single platform the collection, transformation and distribution of information available for all the systems, avoiding redundant information calculation processes and transfers, and making it possible to analyse the information in real time in order to provide a more efficient energy service. In this regard, inSPEED incorporates technology for detecting patterns that make the early identification of risks as well as anomalous or atypical situations possible. In addition, it can monitor grid operations, relating them to consumption information and achieving a much more optimal management of resources.

In addition, the Indra platform encourages consumers to participate in an electrical market that has flexible rate models since it provides precise consumption data almost instantly, and this allows users to turn off a device if they discover that it is creating a useless expense or to take advantage of a cheaper time period.

inSPEED represents Indra's commitment to a more horizontal and extensive concept of exchanging energy information within the computing role of Utility companies in the sector, compared to the primarily vertical processing, and in many cases on-demand, that currently exists in the power market.

Given its possibilities and capability to be integrated with other systems, it is the first platform in the energy market that can guarantee a comprehensive management of energy consumption in efficient conditions. Indra has made a strong effort by incorporating in the energy sector its experience in other industries that require high performance technological systems and in which the company is the clear global leader, such as air or railway transport.

The system will also enable power companies to continue integrating real time information in business processes (distribution, commercial, energy sales/purchases), which is a key component in the gradual implementation of Smart Grids in society.

Related projects

inSPEED has benefited from Indra's strong commitment to R&D, which has been apparent in cutting-edge projects such as Energos and PRICE.

Energos is a research project for the development of knowledge and technologies that enable advancing the implementation of smart grids for the distribution of electrical energy. It is part of the Programme of Strategic National Consortiums for Technical Research (CENIT in Spanish) for promoting innovation and technological development in key areas for society. The consortium working on this is backed by the participation of leading industry companies and national bodies in the area of smart grids, all led by Gas Natural Fenosa and Indra.

On the other hand, PRICE, a project led by Iberdrola and Gas Natural Fenosa, represents the scenario in which the inSPEED platform will begin to directly benefit nearly 500,000 residents of Corredor del Henares (Madrid and Guadalajara). More than 200,000 smart meters managed and the adaptation of 1,600 transformation centres to the new distributed generation model comprise the largest Smart Grid pilot rolled out to date in Spain. 

Innovative technology focused on efficiency

This new project is part of Indra's global strategy aimed at developing new technologies and solutions in the area of energy efficiency and sustainability for generation, transmission, distribution, transport, industrial and residential consumption. The company is working on various projects for new smart infrastructures (Smart Grids) that ensure sustainable, secure and economic development, and it is participating as an advisor to the National Energy Commission (Spain) to develop Smart Grids within the Smart Grid Working Group that is responsible for standardising Smart Grid systems as per the mandate 490 of the European Smart Grid Work Commission.

It is also collaborating with the leading Spanish power companies in their main projects, whose products and knowledge is beginning to be exported to other countries, especially in Latin America, such as Brazil and Peru. In this last country, Indra has designed the strategic plan for implementing Smart Grids in the electrical system on behalf of the Supervisory Body of Investments in Energy and Mines (OSINERGMIN).

Along with Gas Natural Fenosa, Indra has participated in the European Union's 3E Houses project, which has the aim of demonstrating and quantifying ITC's contribution towards improving energy efficiency in homes through a pilot programme for subsidised homes in San Cugat del Vallés. It is also co-leading the ZIGAMIT project that is focused on making the infrastructure being rolled out for remote meter management and offering residential customers integrated home comfort management services.

In addition, it is working on other R&D&i projects together with Endesa and Iberdrola to develop new computer systems (grid models, real time integration platforms and two-way communication solutions), and it has completed the development of a new generation of smart meters. Lastly, the technological firm is also actively involved in work groups fostered by the Ministry of Industry to promote the development of electric vehicles in Spain, in addition to collaborating in various research projects and initiatives with different agents and companies within the energy sector.

Indra is one of the world's largest consultancy and technology multinationals, a leader in Europe and Latin America and is expanding in other emerging economies. Innovation is the cornerstone of its business, which is highly focussed on the customer and on sustainability. The multinational is one of the leaders in its sector in Europe in terms of investment in R&D and innovation, having invested more than €550M in the last three years. With sales approaching €3,000 million, it employs 42,000 professional and has customers in 128 countries.
